Else and Johan from Helsekost Furuseth answer your questions – news Trøndelag

Johan Voldrønning works as a baker in Trondheim. Every day he is surrounded by buns, cakes and cinnamon rolls. But Johan believes that he is so active through his work that it helps him not to gain even more weight than he already has. Else Kåss Furuseth is a well-known TV face after several years as presenter of various programs such as “Kåss til evenings’ and ‘Else om children’. At the same time, she has become increasingly heavier. Here you can ask them questions about how far they have come, what they have done, what tips they have and so on. Hello! Welcome to dialogue at news. Since you are logged in to other news services, you do not have to log in again here, but we need your consent to our terms of use for online dialogue
