Elsa Lystad is dead – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

– My mother fell asleep quietly last night, confirms her son Hallvard Szemes to news on Wednesday afternoon. – It was very peaceful, it was all over in two hours, and the family was present. It was a nice end to a long life, says Szemes. Lystad was one of Norway’s most famous actors for several decades. – She will be remembered as someone who spread both joy, laughter and seriousness. We carry the good memories with us. She has made an indelible impression on us and many others, says the son. She made her debut in the role of “Laura Isaksen” in “Bør Børson jr.” at Falkbergets teater in 1957. Throughout her career, she was employed both at Det Norske Teatret, Oslo Nye Teater and Den Nationale Scene. For the last half of her active acting life, she worked as a freelancer and had some of her best-known roles there. See “Fredriksson’s factory” Photo: NTB “Fredriksson’s factory” Lystad is perhaps best known for his role as “Oddveig” in the TV series “Fredriksson’s factory”. Aud Schønemann, Anne Marie Ottersen and Brit Elisabeth Haagensli, she formed probably the strongest quartet ever in Norwegian TV history. When the series became a feature film after three seasons, Lystad also played in it. Elsa Lystad dressed in costume for the role of the widow Terentia in the play “Et fandens fruentimmer” at the Victoria theater in 1994. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB Famous films Over the years, Lystad was also in some of the most famous films in Norwegian history. She played Benny’s fiancee in the Olsen band, and was also in classics such as “Bør Børson jr.”. and “Flexnes”. In 2007, she was honored with the King’s medal of merit in gold for 50 years on stage. Fredriksson is making another attempt to rationalize the operation. Tommy has designed “Exotic nights” and the union wants a fire drill. The stage is set for more chaos in the hard-tested clothing factory.
