Elon Musk’s monster rocket will be launched – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

SpaceX has received a license to launch the combination “Super Heavy” and “Starship”. The launch window opens at 2 p.m. Norwegian time, Monday. The combination is bigger and more powerful than the rockets that brought men to the moon. All of the tests have already been completed. The only thing left was the license from the American aviation authorities, FAA. – We have carried out a thorough process. SpaceX meets all requirements, the FAA announced late Friday evening Norwegian time. In order to grant a license to SpaceX, the FAA has previously imposed a wide range of conditions. The company has satisfied these. The requirements concerned, among other things, safety, the environment and finances. The last thing that remained were the environmental requirements. Those are the ones the FAA now says are accepted. The license is valid for five years. Big plans. In this drawing from SpaceX, several Starships are standing on the surface of the planet Mars. Photo: SpaceX Monster rocket The most powerful current rocket is the “Falcon Heavy” from SpaceX. The most powerful rocket ever used for a space mission is the Saturn V. It carried the first humans to the surface of the moon. “Falcon Heavy” has so far been SpaceX’s most powerful rocket. Here from a launch in Florida earlier this year. Photo: JOE SKIPPER / Reuters “Super Heavy” and “Starship” break all records. “Super Heavy” is the launch vehicle. “Starship” is both the second stage and the spacecraft. “Super Heavy” is 69 meters high. It has 33 engines. It has a thrust of 75.9 meganewtons (very, very much). The combination rises a full 120 meters above the ground. That is nine meters more than the Saturn V. Ports in the sea Both “Super Heavy” and “Starship” are designed to be reusable. During testing, they will still be destroyed. The two are launched as one unit. After a couple of minutes, “Starship” will separate from “Super Heavy”. SpaceX wants to show off a lot during the first journey. Among other things the following: That the launch vehicle manages to transport the vessel into space. That the launch vehicle is capable of soft landing on Earth. That the vessel can survive a return from space. “Super Heavy” will simulate a landing. It will take place in the sea directly east of the launch site. The rocket will slow down and reach zero vertical velocity right at the surface. There it will tip over and sink. SpaceX’s new rocket “Super Heavy” is ready for launch in Texas. Photo: SPACEX / Reuters “Starship” will use its own engines to nearly reach the speed it needs to get into orbit. Over the Pacific Ocean, it will hit the atmosphere. If it survives this, it will float down towards the surface of the sea. The meeting will be so brutal that the “Starship” will be destroyed. SpaceX expects the craft to explode. “Starship” will not attempt to simulate a landing.
