Elon Musk resigns as Twitter boss after vote – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Twitter owner Elon Musk says he will step back as top manager of the microblogging service as soon as a new boss is in place, reports Reuters. – I want to resign as soon as I find someone foolish enough to take the job! After that, I just want to hire the team that manages programming and servers, he writes on Twitter. On Sunday, Musk posted an open vote on the microblogging service where he wrote that he would resign if a majority of users wanted to. Photo: CHRIS DELMAS / AFP Within an hour, around 3.6 million people had voted – 58 percent of them wanted him to resign. After more than 17 million people had voted, the majority who wanted a new head of the website was 57 percent. Photo: Screenshot from Twitter Musk had said in advance that he would join after the result. Storm There has been a storm around Twitter since Musk bought Tenesta in the autumn for 44 billion dollars. He has dismissed almost half of the employees and introduced a series of new rules, including user payments to get verified accounts. He has gone into detail management in a number of areas. In addition, he has cut back on those who weed out fake accounts and remove disinformation. Several have expressed concern that the safety of Twitter is threatened. He has also sown strong criticism for inviting former President Donald Trump back, after he was banned following the storming of Congress in January almost two years ago. Musk has also upset many journalists after he closed the accounts of several well-known journalist profiles a few weeks ago. This applied to other journalists from The New York Times, Washington Post and CNN.
