Elle Nystad got a quota place for one of the most popular studies at UiT – news Sápmi

– It is absolutely sick. I’ve wanted to study law for a long time, but it’s only now that I got the little push to actually apply and accept a study place, says Nystad. The 23-year-old from Karasjok says that working life began to take up a larger and larger part of her life. Therefore, she felt that she had to start studying before it was too late. Elle Nystad is one of 7,949 new applicants who have been offered a study place at the University of Tromsø. For UiT, this is a slight decrease from the record year in 2021. Then 8,647 applicants were offered a study place. Law is a popular study Jurisprudence, or law colloquially, is a very popular study. That is why there is a battle for study places. In a press release from UiT, it appears that jurisprudence has a point limit of 61 this year, which means that an 18-year-old who completes upper secondary school with only sixes in all subjects needs extra points to gain entry to the course. The average grades from upper secondary school are converted into grade points by multiplying by 10. An applicant can then receive additional points based on, among other things, language, gender and age. Another method of getting a study place can be the quota shares. Got one of the three Sami quota places Elle entered the law studies with the help of a Sami quota place. The university reserves three places in this study for Sami people. The Sami quota will ensure the recruitment of Sami speakers for several specific professional occupations. Because there are few applicants, and because the applicants must be anonymous, neither UiT nor Samordna admissions release figures on Sami applicants or the score requirement. UNSURE: Elle is unsure of what kind of job she is aiming for, but is interested in indigenous rights and Sami law. Photo: Nelly Anna Karolina Engström / news Nystad is unsure whether she would have entered the studies in jurisprudence if there had not been quota places. – In any case, I am happy to have this opportunity, she says. She has not decided what kind of job she would like to have after graduation. – I am not sure what I will become when I graduate, but I am interested in working with indigenous rights and Sami law. Law is still not the most difficult course to get into at UiT. The medical degree has a point requirement of 68.2. Important arrangement It is not only jurisprudence that has its own Sami quota. UiT also has quota shares for, among other things, medicine and psychology. Leader of the Sami Medical Association, Katrine Erke, believes the quota is important for both the Sami community and the districts in the North. The leader of the Sami medical association believes that the quota scheme is an important part of recruitment for a part of the health sector that is struggling with recruitment. Photo: Malene Nicolaysen / Finnmarkssykehuset – The Sami quota is very important for recruitment. We still have a great need for Sami doctors and health workers, both in the municipalities and in the hospitals. I myself have experienced in my role as a doctor on duty that patients often communicate better and give more correct information in their Sami mother tongue. This is of course important for the doctor. She says that the quota scheme is important to ensure that each cohort of students, be it nurses, lawyers or psychologists, has a minimum number of students with Sami linguistic and cultural competence. – It is important for patients with Sami as their mother tongue to be able to express themselves in their own language and feel understood. That is why it is incredibly important to train Sami employees. Regardless of direction, we need more people with good competence. – It is a sign of quality that so many have UiT as their first choice. This year there were 8,115 applicants who had UiT as their first choice, – It is a sign of quality that we have so many qualified applicants who have UiT at the top of the list, says vice-chancellor for education, Kathrine Tveiterås. The vice-chancellor believes it is a sign of quality that many applicants have UiT at the top of their search list. Photo: David Jensen / UiT The score requirements also show that there are highly qualified applicants to Tromsø. Will be a hectic everyday life For Elle, the start of school will be an intense period. – Firstly, I have a contract with Tromsø sports team until September. In addition, I will sort of study and at the same time take part in the godfather’s week, she says. Elle is not worried that everyday life will be anything but relaxing as a student. Photo: Nelly Anna Karolina Engström / news Nevertheless, she is not worried. – It will probably be hectic. Fortunately, the sponsorship program is probably mostly in the evening, so it will probably go well, she concludes with a smile.
