Elk plunged to its death – man kicked in the face when he tried to help – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– This was the last thing we expected to see at nine o’clock in the morning on a Saturday, says a man in the neighborhood to news. He captured the entire bizarre event on film. One of the neighbors caught the whole incident on film. On its way through the center of Arendal, the moose must have first fallen off a cliff on Høyveien. Dazed, it then made its way into a parking area, where it kicked a man who tried to come to the rescue. From there, the moose fell over the railing at the car park and into the common area of ​​an apartment area at the Alti shopping centre. It was Agderposten that first wrote about the case. Got one on the face The man who filmed the incident wishes to remain anonymous. He says that he heard loud thuds outside his flat on Saturday morning and that he therefore went to the window. There he got to see the lost moose in his own backyard. The man went to get his phone and when he returned the moose had wandered into the parking lot. At the same time, the Arendalite Martin Kjærnsmofallet Halvorsen came walking: Martin Kjærnsmofallet Halvorsen tells about the incident. Halvorsen also spotted the moose, and saw that it had made it halfway over the edge that led down towards the shopping centre. Then he reacted quickly. – I’m used to dogs, and said: “no, no you mustn’t do that!”, Halvorsen told the freelance journalist at the scene after the incident. He approached the moose in an attempt to guide it onto safe ground. Then he got a real kick in the face. – It seems here, so to speak, says Halvorsen, and points to the face where the moose hit. Shortly afterwards, the moose made a buck, and fell straight onto the asphalt where it died. Tragic outcome: The moose fell several meters onto the asphalt. Photo: Olav Svaland On Saturday evening, Halvorsen confirmed to news that he came away from the incident with only a swollen lip. A police patrol was at the scene on Saturday morning. The Viltnemda was also notified of the case. – Very sad. The entire session with the attempt to save the moose, the subsequent kick and the moose’s plunge to the asphalt was therefore captured on film. The man behind the camera tells news that he does not understand what he witnessed. – I couldn’t believe my eyes. Is this true? The man went out and himself saw the dead moose on the asphalt. He describes the incident as very sad. He is also reasonably certain that he will never experience a similar incident again.
