Electrician Atle Lunde (26) may have to work until he is over 70 years old – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

“Dunk!” The car door on Atle Lunde’s company car (26) slams shut. It’s a new project for the service electrician. The plan is to replace fluorescent tubes in several homes in a residential area. – It’s a heavy job. People can just try to keep their hands over their heads for 10 minutes and see how it goes. I do it much of my day, every day, he says. Now probably everyone born in the 90s, like Atle Lunde, should turn away and close their eyes. If you do not remember that Ketil Stokkan participated in the Melodi Grand Prix with the Brandenburg Gate, the probability is high that you will have to work until you are at least 70 years old before you can retire. Service electrician Atle Lunde in Rønning elektro was born in the late 90s, and will probably have to work until he is 70 years old. Photo: Ole Andreas Bø / news The retirement age must be increased This has been found out by the pension committee, which has evaluated the pension reform from 2011. The committee proposes this: – The new system applies from the 1963 litter onwards. – The age limits gradually increase by about one year per tenth year. Initially, this will increase by two months per year. At the lower limit for drawing pensions, they will increase even faster, to prevent the cost of early retirement of workers. – The normal retirement age for those born in the 90s is thus 70 and a half years – compared to today’s 67 years. The lower age limit for drawing a pension for this group is increased from 62 years to 65 and a half years. – The committee also proposes better regulation of the minimum pensioners, as well as a more reasonable development in the old-age pension for those with disabilities. This reform was to ensure that the state could pay for pensions also in the future, when the number of pensioners increases and we live longer. The usual retirement age for those born in the 90s will be around 70 and a half years – compared to the current 67 years. The lower age limit for drawing a pension for this group is increased from 62 years to approximately 65 and a half years. – Increasing the age limits is more financially sustainable, more people will stay longer in work, says committee leader and Schibsted director Kristin Skogen Lund to news. But staying longer at work Lunde thinks will be difficult. – Already in the current scheme, we have to stand for too long. Colleagues of mine have changed knees to stay at work for a long time, he says. Lunde has already worked for eight years, and only now do many of his friends enter working life after graduating. This figure shows the development in the age limits for drawing a pension with the system proposed by the committee and based on Statistics Norway’s population projections. Photo: Statistics Norway Tough for the “struggling” But Lunde, who has a so-called “struggling profession”, must stay in work as long as peers who are making their debut in working life now. Committee leader Kristin Skogen Lund has previously told news that it is difficult to create a separate scheme for the “tired”, but has acknowledged that not everyone can be in working life well into the 60s. – If I am to work until I am 70 years old, I have to change positions. I do not think I’ll last that long. The body is already giving notice, he says. – For you to have a retirement age you too? – Most likely we will have to get rid of AFP or something like that. And if we then lose the job or do not have the opportunity to continue, we may not get it either, he says. Much of Atle Lunde’s working day is spent working at height. – People can just try to keep their hands over their heads for 10 minutes and see how it goes. Photo: Ole Andreas Bø / news According to several business leaders news has talked to, few young employees think anything special about retirement. Lunde, on the other hand, has recently set up a separate pension savings account. – Most people probably think that it is so long until retirement age and that they get money in the pension account all the time. But they do not think about how little it actually amounts to, he says.
