Eirik Lae Solberg and Anne Lindboe are Oslo Høyre’s top candidates – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

Eirik Lae Solberg and Anne Lindboe will front the Conservative Party in the battle for the capital. The top duo was unanimously chosen at the nomination meeting on Monday evening. Lost in 2019 City council leader candidate Eirik Lae Solberg (51) is one of Oslo Høyre’s most experienced local politicians. He has been a member of the Oslo City Council since 2007 and was a finance councillor. Solberg was also a contender for the chief job in Oslo in 2019. He retired as a full-time politician after losing to Raymond Johansen and currently works at Deloitte. Mayoral candidate Anne Lindboe (50) is a political blank slate. She is known as a former children’s ombudsman and chief executive of the National Association of Private Nursery Schools. Lindboe is a qualified paediatrician. The rest of the list will be chosen at the second part of the nomination meeting on 5 December. The municipal elections will take place on 11 September next year. The battle for the big cities The battle for the big cities is important for the big parties. It is not yet clear who the Labor Party will top the team with. When Raymond Johansen’s red-green city council took over in 2015, the Conservative Party had governed the capital for almost 20 years. Johansen has until 1 October to say whether he will stand for re-election. APS’s most high-profile Oslo politician asks to be believed that he is still in the thinking box. – I hope Raymond says yes, says head of the nomination committee in Oslo Ap, Trine Lise Sundnes. She adds that the decision to run is for Johansen himself to make. TOP DUO: City council leader Raymond Johansen is still in the thinking box. Marianne Borgen is stepping down after eight years as mayor. Photo: Hanna Johre / NTB Open about mayor Who will be the party’s mayoral candidate is considered completely open, several sources tell news. Four years ago, the party stood behind incumbent SV mayor Marianne Borgen. It was criticized internally. Borgen has said no to re-election, and most indications are that the Labor Party will field its own candidate. – I think that would be natural, yes, says Sundnes. If Raymond Johansen says yes, the mayoral candidate must, by all accounts, be a woman. The most prominent Ap women in Oslo politics are city councilors Rina Mariann Hansen and Victoria Marie Evensen. However, the two are considered possible heirs to Johansen on the day he gives up. Thus, they are less relevant in the more apolitical role of mayor, according to party sources. HARD CANDIDATES: Industry councilor Victoria Marie Evensen and social affairs councilor Rina Mariann Hansen are considered strong Labor cards in Oslo, but hardly in such a non-political role as the position of mayor. Photo: Anette Holth Hansen/Nadir Alam / Collage Can Labor act like the Conservative Party and find a candidate outside the town hall corridors? Trine Lise Sundnes does not rule anything out. – In Oslo Arbeiderparti, we are so lucky that we have many skilled and experienced politicians. – In addition, we will look at new and exciting candidates who can contribute to us taking city council power for a third time, she says. SV and MDG And there are several parties on the red-green side of Oslo politics who want a mayor’s word in the team. SV has the mayor today. On the preliminary list proposal, Omar Samy Gamal is proposed as Marianne Borgen’s successor. MDG has not yet decided whether they will field their own mayoral candidate.
