Eight people homeless after terraced house fire in Drøbak – Latest news – news

30 December 2022 at 08:46 Eight people homeless after terraced house fire in Drøbak Eight housing units are uninhabitable after a terraced house fire in Drøbak overnight to Friday. No one was injured in the fire. – The crews reported at 6.05 that they had control of the scene and that the subsequent extinguishing is underway, duty manager Leif Høyland at the 110 central East tells NTB. Mayor of Frogn municipality, Hans Kristian Raanaas, says that the most important thing now is to take care of the residents who have lost everything. – The municipality has worked to find temporary accommodation and ensures that all eight are taken care of. These people have lost absolutely everything, so we help to get absolutely necessary things such as clothes, says Raanaas.
