Eastern Finnmark gets a slower 5G network – the frequencies are already in use by the Armed Forces and Russia – news Troms and Finnmark

When developers are not allowed to use all the frequencies that are otherwise available for the 5G network, it means a slower network for people in Eastern Finnmark. This is confirmed by both Telenor and the National Communications Authority. Limited 5G in the region was first mentioned by Sør-Varanger newspaper. Bernt Nilsen in Kirkenes is among those who are reacting. – It will be negative both for the reputation of the region and the actual use of the technology if we lag behind the rest of the country. It is completely unacceptable. Nilsen is a company manager and board member in several companies and organisations. He believes the 5G network is an absolutely crucial basis for future-oriented technology. – There are new products and technical solutions all the time. If we lack the infrastructure and basic coverage that a 5G network provides, then we will not be able to use it. It could hinder people, both private individuals and businesses, Nilsen believes. Company manager Bernt Nilsen believes the Norwegian authorities must ensure that the frequencies needed for the 5G network are released. Photo: Kristin Humstad / news Defense use The frequencies on which the 5G network is based are already being used for other purposes in the area. It creates limitations, says John-Eivind Velure of the National Communications Authority. – The Norwegian Armed Forces have a type of frequencies that must be protected. This means that some of the frequencies we use for 5G cannot be used in the east of Finnmark. Restrictions in 5G affect six of the easternmost municipalities in Finnmark, which are Tana, Båtsfjord, Vardø, Vadsø, Nesseby and Sør-Varanger. In addition, Velure mentions the proximity to the border as a problem. For example, a frequency used for mobile telephony in Norway can be used for air communication in another country. Then there will be a crash. Neighboring countries must agree on how the frequencies are to be used, says John-Eivind Velure of the National Communications Authority. Photo: Gunstein Myre / NKOM – We have to agree with neighboring countries how they will use the frequencies. It is no different from Russia to Sweden and Finland; we have to do it with all neighboring countries. Then it is the case that some countries have a different type of frequency use than Norway. Then there may be stronger restrictions on the border for our use if the neighboring countries have a different type of use that requires a greater degree of protection, Velure explains. Hanging after Bernt Nilsen does not expect dramatic consequences overnight, but fears that Eastern Finnmark will become a sink as new technology related to the 5G network continues to arrive. – From welfare to road construction and aviation, 5G offers completely new opportunities. If we are not going to have the real coverage of 5G here, you cannot use that type of equipment and products, says Nilsen. – Defense-related limitations that Norway has agreed to or did not dare to bring up with the Russians, that just needs to be cleared up. Vardø is also affected by limited 5G networks. The defense’s globes in Norway’s easternmost city are clearly visible. Photo: Knut-Sverre Horn Hope it doesn’t get too bad Telenor is currently working on expanding the 5G network in Eastern Finnmark. The plan is for much of the development to be completed in 2023. Coverage director at Telenor, Bjørn Amundsen, hopes that the somewhat lower speed will not have much to say for those who live in the parts of Eastern Finnmark where frequencies are protected. The company will apply the technical solutions as best it can. – We must use other frequency spectrums that we currently use for 4G and get a different distribution between 4G and 5G. Without getting too technical, we hope that this will not have major consequences for customers, says Amundsen. – There are not the same number of people living in Sør-Varanger as there are, for example, in Alta or Tromsø. So we hope and believe that it will go well.
