Easee lays off employees en masse – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– It has been quite emotional. There have been tears. It has been difficult, says Easee CEO Jonas Helmikstøl to news. All employees were informed that a layoff process will be initiated at a general meeting at 9.00 on Friday morning. How many are affected is currently unknown. – The people are the most important thing we have. This really bothers me, that we are being pressured to take such measures, says Helmikstøl, who says that the layoff notice was received “surprisingly calmly” by the employees. In Norway, the company has 350 employees. Many of these are now being made redundant, according to Dagens Næringsliv. Probably over 100. What happens to the around 150 employees abroad is currently unknown. In just a few years, Easee has become Europe’s largest supplier of chargers for electric cars. Photo: Tom Edvindsen / news Have to collect up to a billion On Wednesday morning, the news came that the Swedish authorities had stopped the sale of Easee’s charging boxes in the country. The company has now started a process to raise money and is in dialogue with several possible investors. Helmikstøl says that the company must raise between half and a billion kroner. It is happening at a time when technology shares have struggled hard over a long period, and where the company is in the middle of an ongoing crisis. – How are you going to manage to collect money? – We hope there are people out there who have faith and who trust us. We understand the risk picture, but we must be able to break that down for people. We have control, and this should be good, says CEO Helmikstøl. On Friday, the Easee management announced that they have to go to mass layoffs of employees. Photo: Elise Pedersen / news On Friday afternoon, Easee and Helmikstøl are in dialogue with the bank, DNB. The meeting is ongoing when news talks to Helmikstøl, who assures that the dialogue is positive. – It is very concrete and we are sure that we will be able to find a solution together with them, says Helmikstøl. The top manager says that Easee is also mobilizing politicians to get support. He hopes that something concrete will happen politically in the next few days. – How do you work politically? – We make contact and ask for help. There are no enemies here, but we need help to get through, says Helmikstøl. – Vanskelig Harald Minge is managing director of the Business Association in Stavanger, who says that Easee has the local business community behind it. – Now the company is in a situation that requires even more of the action, competence and guts that have gradually become Easee’s trademark, he says. Minge describes the company as an important role model in the Stavanger region. – The results they have achieved are formidable, and I am absolutely sure that they will get through this and that they will be able to grow further. We really wish them the best of luck, and then I think I speak on behalf of a collective business community in the region. Harald Minge believes that Easee will manage, despite mass redundancies and the cessation of sales of the charging boxes. Photo: Ole Andreas Bø / news Easee was named company of the year in Rogaland in 2022. – We must not forget what they have achieved so far. The entire region feels a sense of pride, which was expressed, among other things, when they were named company of the year last year. This is tough, sad and difficult for the employees of Easee. The ground-fault circuit breaker does not meet the requirements The reason for the sales ban in Sweden is, among other things, that the charging box does not have a ground-fault circuit breaker that meets the requirements. Several Easee dealers in Norway have also stopped sales. Among others Tibber, Haugaland Kraft, Bravida and Elkjøp. They now mostly only offer electric car chargers from Zaptec, which is the biggest competitor. The Swedish Safety Agency wrote in a message on its website on Wednesday that Easee must withdraw the charging boxes that have been banned from sale from its dealers. They also have to fix the error on the around 100,000 boxes that have already been installed in the country. Nkom starts supervisory proceedings against Easee According to the National Communications Authority (Nkom), sales suspension of the charger in Sweden may also apply in Norway, as the countries are part of the same EEA regulation. According to department director at Nkom, John-Eivind Velure, they are now following the decision from Sweden closely. – At the same time, it is not the case that the Swedes can make a decision that immediately applies in Norway. Then it is up to us to follow up on what the decision has to say in Norway. On Friday afternoon, they write in a press release that they have now decided to start supervisory proceedings against the company. They will also control more charging stations on the Norwegian market. The inspection will take place in collaboration with the Directorate for Social Security and Emergency Preparedness (DSB). John-Eivind Velure, department director at the National Communications Authority (Nkom). Photo: Victoria Marie Nordahl / news Anker Easee strongly disagrees with the decision of the Swedish authorities, and has already announced that they will appeal. The company is submitting both an interim injunction and an appeal during the day today. Easee is adamant that there is no doubt about the chargers, that they are completely safe and all customers can charge safely. They believe they have integrated ground fault protection in line with the safety requirements. This should protect against both AC and DC faults. – We strongly disagree with the decision and will do everything we can to look after customers, partners and employees. Our main focus has always been people and safety, says founder and general manager, Jonas Helmikstøl. The company Easee was established in 2018 by three entrepreneurs. Today they have close to 500 employees. The company has grown at record speed, and from 2019 to 2021 they went from having a turnover of NOK 94 million to NOK 1.4 billion.
