Earthquake in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco – Latest news – news

9 September 2023 at 00:46 Earthquake in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 has struck a mountain area between Marrakech and Agadir in Morocco. In social media, people have posted videos showing people running into the streets and buildings shaking, and several people have reported to the European Earthquake Center EMSC that it was strong. Some say they could feel the quake as far away as southern Spain and Portugal, and Algeria. There have been no reports of deaths or injuries, but people are reporting damage to buildings on social media. The EMSC measured the earthquake at magnitude 6.9 and a depth of 10 kilometers, while the US Earthquake Center USGS measured it at 6.8. According to the USGS, the depth of the earthquake was 18.5 kilometers. The German research institute GFZ initially measured the depth at 10 kilometers and the strength at 7, but later adjusted the numbers down to a depth of 27 kilometers and strength at 6.8. The earthquake was registered at 23:11 local time, with an epicenter in the Atlas Mountains, just under 80 kilometers south-southwest of Marrakech and about 100 kilometers northeast of the coastal city of Agadir. (NTB)
