E6 over Saltfjellet closed due to traffic accident – six people and two cars involved – news Nordland

The E6 over Saltfjellet is closed due to a traffic accident involving six people. The degree of damage is unknown. There are six people in two cars, with four in one car and two in the other. All six have been sent to hospital. Three of the people were flown north by rescue helicopter, three of them sent south by ambulance. – Everyone has been aware, but this is in a 90-zone, without me saying that everyone was driving at 90 kilometers an hour, I don’t know that. But based on this, priority is given to health, and I cannot say much about the degree of damage. This is what operations manager in the Nordland police district, Kai Eriksen, told news. Head on head The police announced early on Saturday afternoon that there had been a collision between two cars. – The current status is that none of the people involved are trapped. It is expected that an ambulance will arrive to carry out a medical assessment, says operations manager Tommy Bech then. He followed up by saying that everyone was awake, but that some were complaining of pain. – We are assessing the situation, but do not have a status on the extent of the damage. CLOSED: E6 over Saltfjellet is closed. Photo: Norwegian Road Administration. Photo: Norwegian Public Roads Administration Operations manager Kai Eriksen cannot comment on the extent of the damage or the cause either. – Are we talking about smooth roads? – I don’t know, but I have understood it to mean that it is a challenging road at the moment. And Saltfjellet is Saltfjellet, says Eriksen. Two helicopters to the city According to Avisa Nordland, the Central Rescue Center in Northern Norway had to interrupt an exercise in Lofoten to fly to Saltfjellet. – There is a collision in the 90-zone, just north of the Arctic Circle centre, says rescue manager Olav Bjørgås to the newspaper.
