E18 out of Oslo postponed after billion-dollar announcement – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

It is stage 2 of the controversial motorway development to the west that is now being postponed. The construction of the first part between Lysaker and Ramstadsletta is well under way. In the next stage, traffic on the E18 will be included in a tunnel under Sandvika. Three billion in one year The cost estimate from November 2021 was NOK 12.2 billion. – The new cost estimate for the section of the E18 between Ramstadsletta and Nesbru, which was carried out in November 2022, shows a cost increase of around NOK three billion compared to previous estimates from November 2021, says project manager Tom Hedalen in the Norwegian Road Administration. The Swedish Road Administration gives three reasons for the cost gap: Increased unit prices in the market Underestimated developer costs Too low uncertainty provision in previous estimates A price increase of NOK three billion means that the Swedish Road Administration now has to put its feet on the ground and turn over all stones to get costs under control. – This means that the project’s progress must be extended. We still don’t have a complete overview of the exact consequences, but we have to get back to that, says project manager Tom Hedalen in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration in a press release. Far ahead of time The first stage out of Oslo should be ready for use in 2027-2028. Tom Hedalen tells news that it is not realistic to start construction further west before that time. He also says that so far they have control over the costs for stage 1. They were thoroughly reviewed twice last year, most recently in December. The price tag here is around 17 billion. – We are in uncertain times, but the final sum is still below the cost frame that has been given, says Hedalen.
