Durek Verrett was not upheld in the PFU for Se og Hør complaint – Latest news – news

28 September 2022 at 10:38 Durek Verrett was not upheld by the PFU for Se og Hør complaint The Press’ Professional Committee (PFU) did not censure Se og Hør for violating the Vær varsom poster and good press etiquette following a complaint from Durek Verrett. Durek Verrett complained to Se og Hør to the PFU after a ten-page report in the weekly magazine from 17 December last year, where Verrett’s health condition and illness were discussed. The committee believes that there should be a high threshold for disclosing such health information, but in this particular case it is relevant. – If this had been an influencer or someone else, then it would have been a conviction. But a person who exposes himself and his own health to such a degree as a business model must expect the spotlight to be put on his own health, said Gunnar Kagge, who is a representative from the journalists and an employee of Aftenposten. Stein Bjøntegård, who represents the editors’ association and news, thought this did not allow for any change in the PFU’s view of what should be passed on from private health information. – It must be made clear that this is an exceptional case, he said.
