DSB takes action after several fire cases with electric scooters – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

Lithium batteries on electric scooters are vulnerable to shock and damage. They are also self-igniting. Since 2019, more than 40 fires related to electric scooters have been registered in Norway. It shows figures from the Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning (DSB). In the most serious fires, homes have been lost as a result of faults during charging. Both landlords and users of electric scooters have a responsibility to prevent such fires, DSB believes. Worried neighbors Several worried neighbors contact the rental companies. They are afraid that there will be a fire in storage rooms where the electric scooters are stored and charged. The company Surf Ride As has not experienced a fire in their rental scooters, but still receives several inquiries, says general manager Julian Alexander Hahn. HAVE FIRE ROUTINES: The company Surf Ride As has its own fire routines to ensure that their electric scooters are handled correctly. Photo: Private – I think we as an industry have a bit to go on when it comes to information and openness about what we do. We have experienced that many are reassured when we tell them about our routines, says Hahn. He adds that the company has strict requirements for the buildings they use for charging and storage. – The buildings must not be located in buildings close to the city center. We also have our own fire routines and continuous focus on this among our employees. Hahn believes a rental scooter is safer than a privately owned one. – We perform frequent checks and services. It is our responsibility that the battery works properly, users should not think about that, says Hahn. The company wants you to get in touch if you discover an error. In addition, Hahn wants you to check another important thing, before you drive off. – Always check the brakes before use. It only takes you a few seconds. We never know if anyone may have tampered with the brakes, so it is important that you check it. Taking action after fires The Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning (DSB) also encourages those who rent scooters to contact the landlord if the electric scooter does not work properly. – It is the landlord who is responsible for the maintenance of the bicycles, but you as a consumer can also help prevent fire by reporting errors, says section manager for product safety, Mari Grande Austad. This week, DSB invited the largest rental players, the fire service and relevant authorities to a meeting on fire prevention in electric scooters. INVITED TO MEET: There are many renters of electric scooters around Norway and there have been several cases of fires at landlords. Mari Grande Austad in DSB wants to have a dialogue with the companies to avoid future fires. Photo: DSB – The goal is to have a good dialogue with the industry, inform about the regulations and what responsibility landlords have for safe and sound operation, but also to prevent worries from spreading among consumers, says Austad. She adds that they experience that the rental players take fire safety seriously, and are generally good at focusing on this. Nevertheless, the directorate will have increased security focus in this area in the future, says Austad.
