Dry and hot summer in Europe – these are your rights as a tourist – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

In Italy, experts warn that the water shortage will affect tourism this summer. In France, tourists can come to empty swimming pools. There is now a drought crisis in several places in southern Europe. In parts of southern France, the drought crisis is so bad that a ban has been introduced against swimming in garden pools. In addition, a ban has been introduced against washing the car, watering the garden and filling water in already existing pools. Employees in the municipality hand out bottles of water to residents in south-west France. Four villages do not have access to drinking water. Photo: RAYMOND ROIG / AFP A dramatic climatic summer is expected this year. On Thursday, American researchers at the NOAA agency reported that the weather phenomenon El Niño has started. The consequence will be extreme weather in a number of places in the world. Although it is forecast to be red and dry in the southern tip of Europe, there is still a large influx of Norwegians who want to travel out this summer. Anne Mørk-Løwengreen from the travel company TUI says that Norwegians book trips on a par with the normal year 2019. The preferred travel destinations are Spain and Greece. – So there is nothing to indicate concern about a possible heat wave, she says. An empty water reservoir in the province of Girona in Catalonia, Spain. Photo: JOSEP LAGO / AFP Can cancel in extraordinary circumstances If you have booked a trip this summer and you come to high temperatures and empty pools, you may be entitled to compensation. – Fundamentally, you have the right to have the journey you have booked carried out as agreed. This means that the plane and buses must go as agreed, that the hotel room must look as on the ticket and that the pool must be as specified, says Thomas Iversen of the Consumer Council. Thomas Iversen in the consumer council. Photo: Erlend Dalhaug Daae / news It is still not the case that all conditions are covered. Weather, wind or closed attractions are not something you can complain about. – There have been heat waves in Europe in recent years, which means that you take a certain risk when you book a summer holiday to the southern parts of Europe in the hottest summer months. People cool off in a fountain in Paris during last year’s heat wave. Photo: STEFANO RELLANDINI / AFP If you book a package tour, you may be entitled to cancellation if extraordinary circumstances occur: – It is unlikely that high temperature alone gives grounds for free cancellation, but extensive forest fires, extreme drought or country closures can trigger the right for free cancellation, tell Iversen. If you arrive at a hotel in France and the pool is empty, French law applies: – If the facilities at the hotel are not as agreed, you must make a claim against the hotel directly. For a hotel in France, French law will apply. Anne Løwengreen at TUI says that such a case must be dealt with by the complaints department, and that each case will be assessed on its own merits. – Heat in Southern Europe is something to be expected. For something to be covered by insurance, you have to have a good reason. This must be an acute or unexpected event. – Heat in Southern Europe is something you have to expect when you book a trip, says Andreas Handeland at the insurance company IF. Andreas Handeland in the insurance company IF. Photo: IF – You insure yourself against the things listed in the terms and conditions. Typical things are acute and unexpected illness, delays, cancellation costs if you get sick, he adds. Even if your doctor tells you to stay away from hot temperatures, this is not considered an illness. This will therefore not be covered by insurance. – But if you become acutely ill because of the heat, then you may be entitled to have expenses for medical treatment covered, Handeland says. Volunteers hand out water to tourists in Rome during the heat wave in 2021. Photo: Cecilia Fabiano / AP – Not wanting to travel because there is a slight burning smell in the area is not a good reason, concludes Handeland.
