Drug debt is to be a central hypothesis in the abduction case in Moss – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

A man in his 20s has explained to the police that he has been held against his will for almost a month in Østfold. Drug debt is to be one of the police’s central hypotheses for the abduction, news is informed. The police do not wish to comment on news’s ​​information at this time. – It is a central part of the investigation that we will return to, says police attorney Christian Finnanger. Three men are charged with deprivation of liberty, violence and threats. They have all previously been convicted of various offences. In 2021, one of them was convicted of possession of several hundred grams of hashish. He was also convicted of possessing two batons and a stun gun. A pair of shoes lay on the outside of the apartment, which is identified as the main crime scene in the case. Photo: Benjamin Vorland Andersrød / news Several weeks On the night of Pentecost, the police were notified by witnesses that the man in his 20s had been taken into a car against his will on one of the Whale Islands outside Fredrikstad. Later that night, the police managed to track down the car. Two of the accused in the case were arrested at the car. The third accused, who was later released, was arrested in his own home. news is informed that the man in his 20s may have been abducted for five weeks. – It has been going on for a long time, and it is clear that such things leave their mark. It is demanding for him, says aid lawyer Kenneth Hansen. – Always three or four people The police have designated an apartment in the center of Moss as the main scene of the abduction. The apartment can be linked to one of the accused, according to news’s ​​information. It is located in a busy area with both private homes and businesses. news has been to the address in question and talked to several neighbours. One of them has responded that there were often several men gathered in the apartment where the man in his 20s is said to have been held captive. – There were always three or four people who went in and out of the apartment together, says a neighbor to news. The police carried out investigations at the address identified as the main crime scene shortly after the arrest. Photo: Benjamin Vorland Andersrød / news Serious deprivation of liberty Two men in their 30s and 40s are now charged with serious deprivation of liberty. They are also charged with having threatened and used violence against the man in his 20s. On Monday, they were remanded in custody for another four weeks. The police believe there is a risk that they could destroy evidence if they are released. – We are still in a very early phase of the investigation, and therefore believe there is a need for the accused to remain in custody, says police attorney Finnanger. The police have, says police attorney Christian Finnanger Photo: the police The accused even asked to be released, but were not heard by the district court. The man in his 30s denies criminal guilt. Hilde Marie Ims defends the man in his 40s. She does not want to comment on how he reacts to the charge. A third man, in his 30s, is charged with deprivation of liberty, violence and threats. He was released barely a week after he was arrested at the end of May, and pleads not guilty.
