Drones observed at Norwegian power installations – Latest news – news

28 September 2022 at 21:49 Drones observed at Norwegian power installations NVE’s section manager for emergency preparedness, Eldri Holo, informs Europower that drones have been observed near installations in the Norwegian power grid. The observations have been reported to NVE by Kraftforsyningen’s preparedness organization (KBO), which organizes around 170 power and network companies. Holo will not go into detail about whether the observations have been made at grid facilities, power plants or foreign connections. The companies have made various observations after Russia invaded Ukraine. – There have been observations of cars and people with cameras. That’s the short version. People who behave a little strangely, or who are considered to be behaving strangely, says Holo. The observations have also been reported to the police and PST. But NVE is currently not increasing preparedness. – At the lowest level, as we are now, the situation is manageable without involving many people and working around the clock. We can also take measures in the power supply at the level we are now, so it is difficult to give a concrete answer to that, Holden.
