Driving 335 km/h Ryfast with the police’s blessing – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– I am puzzled by the choice of route considering that this has been a controversial road in terms of speed. Press manager at Trygg Trafikk Christoffer Solstad Steen does not usually comment on anything approved by the road authorities. But here both he and the regional leader in Rogaland choose to say what they think about the commercial that was recorded in the 14 km long underwater tunnel. – We were informed about the decision, but we did not support it. We believe the film sends out the wrong signals, says Elisabeth W. Haaland. It was one night in April this year that the car manufacturer Bentley was allowed to use the Ryfylke tunnel to record the commercial for its new car Continental GT Speed. At its fastest, the car was up to 335 km/h. Have refused to increase the speed limit The speed limit is 80 km/h for ordinary motorists. A political desire to raise the speed limit to 110 km/h was previously flatly rejected by the Norwegian Road Administration. The answer that Stavanger Aftenblad wrote about was that the tunnel was not built for such high speeds – We take a very strong distance from driving too fast. In this case with Bentley, it was done under very strict security measures, says director of the Norwegian Road Administration Svenn Egil Finden. Department director in the Norwegian Road Administration Svenn Egil Finden Photo: Gunnar Grindstein / news – Isn’t it contradictory that the road administration has clearly said no to increasing the speed from 80 km/h to 110 km/h for ordinary motorists, but says yes that this car can drive much faster? – If it wasn’t safe, then it wouldn’t be acceptable. Finden emphasizes that the tunnel was closed due to planned maintenance. The car manufacturer had not agreed to close the tunnel just for themselves, but they had agreed to use parts of the tunnel when it was still closed. The police were also present at the meeting between the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and the organizer of the filming. According to Finden, they ensured that security was taken care of. The Ryfylke tunnel is part of the Ryfast mainland connection which replaces the ferry between Stavanger and Tau. Motorists pay most of the bill. It is the Norwegian Road Administration that decides whether the road is to be closed or not. – When a road facility is closed, it is possible to have an event that exceeds the speed limit. Bicycle racing is an example of that. There, the speed is often above the speed limit. Will not say anything about the signal effect – I am not thrilled that the road authorities agreed to this, says Jonas Andersen Sayed. Former chairman of the county traffic safety committee in Rogaland and former mayor of Sokndal, Jonas Andersen Sayed (KrF) Photo: Ole Andreas Bø / news When Ryfast was opened in 2019, he was chairman of the county traffic safety committee in Rogaland. He worked actively to get speed monitoring in place in the Ryfylke tunnel. – It was important, after several cases of crazy driving in the tunnel. But it was a long battle, recalls Andersen Sayed (KrF). He thinks it’s great that a car manufacturer uses roads in Rogaland to promote their cars, but thinks the Ryfylke tunnel was not a good choice since precisely high speed has been a problem on this stretch. Read more about the fight to get speed cameras in the Ryfylke tunnel here: – We also get knowledge about speed when we have given this permission, says Finden. – Do you think that the signal effect is unfortunate? – I don’t know if I should think too much about it. It was said to the organizer that this should be emphasized that this was done under special conditions. And it also appears in the film that it has been done Published 28.06.2024, at 20.20
