Drives several thousand kilometers to referee football matches – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

This season, Tjelle has had nine referee assignments, most of them framed by a generous car trip. In the last two months, he has traveled over 3,000 kilometers on nine different assignments. – I don’t dare think about how much I have sat in a car, says judge Magnus Henriksen Tjelle to news. In the last year, he has traveled around 6,000 kilometres. It corresponds to the distance from Vadsø to Kuwait (!). Possible return trip Lindesnes-Nordkapp and a bonus trip up to Trondheim. In Finnmark, there are often long distances between football pitches. Tjelle lives in Vadsø in Eastern Finnmark, and the air connections to the rest of the county are not all that great. But he is far from the only one who sits for hours in a car. A total of 2.4 million kilometers are driven in connection with football activities in Finnmark a year, Finnmark Football Circle informs news. – It is driving in connection with matches, training, courses and seminars where football is the goal, says Paul Erling Andersen to news. 2.4 million kilometers is the equivalent of 60 laps around the world. Graphics: Jørgen Terland Gundersen / news More environmental measures Andersen is an adviser in the Finnmark Football Circle with responsibility for referees, facilities and traffic safety, and has been in the circle in several roles for a number of years. Last Tuesday, he drove over 800 kilometers to keep the course. – I got up at nine o’clock and drove 43 miles to Kjøllefjord. After the course, I drove 43 miles back home, and I was home at 02.30, says Andersen to news. MILES SWITCH: Paul Erling Andersen in the Finnmark Football Circle is fond of driving. Photo: NFF Poor flight connections and poor interaction between flight time and match times mean that car is the only option. Often players, coaches, referees and others are away for a whole weekend because of football. – Of course you depend on having workplaces that are supportive and flexible. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. You are many hours away, says Andersen. With 2.4 million kilometers recorded annually, Finnmark Football Circle has implemented several environmental measures. More and more people are switching to electric cars, and they are trying to get judges from the same area. – We also try to set up so that the main judge and assistant judge come from the same place. Then the trip only costs one car. Then one judge can pick up the others on the way. It reduces the environmental footprint, says Andersen. LANGREIST: Magnus Henriksen Tjelle in action during Wednesday’s cup round between Hammerfest and Tromsø. Photo: Allan Klo / news Thousands of dollars in driving allowance – I fly when I can to Tromsø and Oslo. In Finnmark there is often driving, says judge Tjelle. On Wednesday, he judged the match between Hammerfest and Tromsø in the cup. The flight from Vadsø to Hammerfest intercountry four times on the way. – Will it mostly be driving allowance or referee’s fee? – That’s a good question, I hadn’t thought about it. It’s probably a good mix.
