Drive financial extortion with fake nude photos – news Vestland

– For a young person, it can be very destructive, even if it is not a real nude photo, says Rune Fimreite in the web patrol of the West police district. Recently, they have seen an upsurge in young people being tried to extort money online. Media: Random nude photos where the person’s face has been edited in. – It has become quite easy to edit a picture so that it looks very real, says Fimreite. Rune Fimreite is the leader of the online patrol in the West police district. He says they have seen several cases of blackmail where fake nude photos are used. Photo: Åge Algerøy Never sent a nude photo It is not new that criminals use nude photos of others to pressure them for money or other services online. “Sextorcion”, or sexual blackmail with a financial motive, is one of the things the police’s cyber patrols see most in their work. – Someone can send a picture of themselves to people they have met online. Later it turns out that the person was not who they thought, and the ticket is used for blackmail, explains Fimreite. BEING PRESSURED: “Sextorcion”, or sexual blackmail with financial need, has become common. Now fake pictures are also used. Photo: Åge Algerøy / news But now there are more people who experience being pressured, even if they have never sent a picture of themselves. – The blackmailer finds a picture on social media, cuts out the face and edits it into a random nude picture, says Fimreite. Furthermore, the person can find names of family and friends, to whom they threaten to send the ticket. – Can be harmful and traumatising Leader of the online patrol for the East police district, Jostein Dammyr, says they have had around two such cases a week in the last month. It is mostly young people who are at risk. – Young people are particularly vulnerable. Just a hint that someone else thinks the picture is real can be harmful and traumatizing for a young person. If you experience being blackmailed by using fake nude photos, the most important thing is to block and report the user who is blackmailing, say both Dammyr and Fimreite. More and more people are being exposed to sexual blackmail on the internet. Photo: Lars-Bjørn Martinsen / news They also do not recommend answering the person. – But then there is a risk that the ticket will still be sent? – Yes, and then you have to explain to friends and family that the photo is fake. It can be problematic and devastating for the victim, says Fimreite. Here’s what to do if you are exposed to blackmail: Break contact with the blackmailer as soon as possible. Do not pay what the blackmailer demands. If you pay, there are usually more claims. Document as much as possible of what has happened. Note which services, channels and accounts were used by both you and the blackmailer. Take screenshots both of conversation texts, information on profiles and photos or videos of the person you spoke with. Any information from the blackmailer can help the police identify the person in question. This can, for example, be addresses, telephone numbers, account numbers and payment information. Do not delete software you have installed. Also, do not remove any accounts. Wait until the police have carried out the necessary investigations. Contact the police as soon as possible. Time is a critical factor in such cases. You can contact the police by turning up, on 02800 or by contacting the online patrol where you live. Source: It is useful to report to the police If you experience being pressured or tried to pressure you for money or other services online, you should always report to the police, according to the police. – It is important, even though we know that there is a great risk that the case will be put aside, says Dammyr. The police have received several tips about blackmail online using nude photos. This tip is from someone who has sent photos themselves. Photo: / The police The police have received several tips about extortion online using nude photos. This tip is from someone who has sent photos themselves. Photo: / The police When the case is reported to the police, it is entered into the statistics, which give the police a better overview of the scope and degree of seriousness. – It is complicated and resource-intensive to find out who is behind the users, especially if they are foreign. But if the scope is large enough, it can be done. Regardless of whether you contact the police or not, you should tell someone you trust. – It can be traumatizing to sit with the experience alone, says Dammyr. In the news documentary “Porno 2022”, Sophie Elise Isachsen and Kåre Magnus Bergh get to see themselves edited into a porn film using the technology “deepfake”.
