Drive carefully – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

As in recent days, today will also be challenging driving conditions. As it snowed heavily in southern Norway earlier in the week, the recent mild weather means that the snow is now melting. In parts of both Austlandet, Agder and Rogaland there is now a moderate risk of flume. This can lead to local overflows and flooding of vegans. From the police in South-Aust, the message is clear. – Drive carefully, they wrote on Twitter. Danger of hydroplaning Operations manager in the South-East police district, Jon Kristian Johnsen, warns motorists in their district about the danger of hydroplaning. Saturday evening and Sunday night there were two traffic accidents on the E18 which the police linked to a lot of water on vegans. First, a car spun around on the Drammensbrua and hit the guardrail. A car then spun around near Nykirke in Vestfold before hitting the edge of the snow and overturning. In the morning hours on Sunday, the speed limit on the E18 between Bommestad near Larvik and Lierbakkene outside Drammen was reduced to 80 kilometers per hour. Big differences in the country The Meteorological Institute announced on Saturday evening that on Saturday there was almost a 50 degree difference between the warmest and coldest temperatures in mainland Norway. While Opstveit in Vestland county measured 11.1 plus degrees, the residents of Kautokeino on Finnmarksvidda could see temperatures of 38.2 minus degrees. You can see these tendencies in vegans. In southern Norway, all the major mountain passes are now open. There is quite a bit of convoy driving over Hardangervidda, and the West Traffic Control Center reports that this can be closed at short notice. In Northern Norway, on the other hand, the morning hours have consisted of several closed roads due to bad weather.
