Drinks more in the summer, hard to kick the habit – news Nordland

A drink in the sun is for many a picture of a summer holiday. But can that one beer turn into a bad habit that is difficult to reverse when everyday life returns? Or does it not matter so much if you continue to drink one beer a day? An extra beer – Maybe have an extra beer or glass of wine when the weather is nice. If you are going to grill, for example. That’s what Anna Isabell Johansen says, who enjoyed the last few days of her summer holiday in Bodø. Hanna Hågensen and Anna Isabella Johansen – One might let loose a little more in the summer. You don’t think too much about it, and maybe have an extra beer, says Anna Isabella Johansen. She herself does not feel that it is difficult to go back to everyday life, but can well understand if someone has to think extra about it. – If you feel that you need alcohol every day to survive, you have to put on the brakes. Irene Hjelmen and Paul Erik Høyskar Irene Hjelmen and Paul Erik Høyskar are now on their way out for a three-week holiday. – One takes a little more to drink during the holiday. It is natural, says Paul Erik Høyskar. But they are not worried that it will be difficult to return to everyday life. – I think it is about quantity. If it’s not too big, it’s not that difficult to go back. Ingrid Kint – It’s clear that you drink a little more on holiday than on normal weekdays. Maybe you have, for example, a beer or a glass of wine with your meal, which you otherwise don’t do. That’s what Ingrid Kint says, who has just retired. For her, the most difficult thing was that the routines changed, as she was still working. – I don’t think so It is difficult to put away the alcohol habit, but I can understand that others may find it difficult. More people drink on weekdays The nightlife also notices that people drink more on holiday than on weekdays, says waitress Tilde Johannessen at the restaurant Bryggerikaia in Bodø. – We have noticed that even if the weather is not nice, people will enjoy a glass of wine. Also on weekdays. Tilde Johannessen is a waitress in the restaurant Bryggerikaia in Bodø. She says that they notice that people order more alcohol in the summer, even on cloudy days. Photo: Sofie Retterstøl Olaisen / news This is also evident at the Vinmonopolet’s hall tables. In January this year, they sold 4.7 million liters of wine and just under 180,000 liters of beer. In July this year, they sold over 44 million liters of wine and almost 1.7 million liters of beer. – Do you think there are many people who find the transition back to everyday life difficult, when you get used to being able to drink a little every day? – I can understand that. I think it might be difficult to regulate when you’ve had so much food on holiday, says Johannessen in Bodø. Spread out, or all at once? So what’s worse? To drink it all at once, or to spread it out over the week? – There is actually not that much of a difference, if you are moderate. Asle Enger says so. He is a senior physician in the department for drug addiction and addiction at Oslo University Hospital. In professional language, it is called “binge drinking” when you drink everything at once, for example if you drank all your units at the weekend instead of spreading it out. Photo: Sofie Retterstøl Olaisen / news – At the same time, there are some who believe that even consumption is better than drinking everything at once. There is a bit of a gap in medical science’s research, explains the doctor. But if Enger has to choose between the two, the choice is easy. – I would suggest that you stick to the low, regular intake. Enger adds that about 10 years ago, people were advised to drink a glass of wine every day because medical science believed it was good for the heart. Today the truth is the opposite. Photo: Thomas Ystrøm / news It’s because you can get drunk if you drink a lot at once. The doctor says that causes many people to injure themselves further. Nevertheless, he does not want to advise people to continue in the same way as during the holiday. – Absolutely not. All research says that alcohol is to be seen as a poison. So it is very harmful. Holding on over time is probably not very beneficial. – So one should try to change their drinking habits from the holiday? – I’m going to say that the number is zero. We should not drink more than that for health reasons. Moderation is a compromise. A dangerous road to walk Eli Marie Stavlund, communications manager at the organization Av-og-til, adds that more alcohol can also be a danger signal. – If you gradually drink more over time, your body and brain will turn to alcohol. – It’s nice that people are enjoying themselves on holiday, it’s important to remember that increased alcohol use can have unfortunate consequences, says Eli Marie Stavlund, communications manager for the organization Av-og-til. Photo: Now and then This makes the tolerance greater, and that one needs more alcohol to experience the same intoxication as before, she explains. – For some, that pattern can be a bit difficult to break. This means that holiday drinking can be the start of alcohol abuse. – Find something without alcohol So what should you do if you notice that the transition from your drinking habits on holiday to those you have on a weekday becomes hard? – Try to come up with activities where you don’t have access to alcohol. Go on a walk, for example, or something else where alcohol is out of sight, suggests Hanna Hågensen in Bodø. Irene Hjelmen, who is on summer holiday in Bodø, believes that the transition is more about what one is mentally prepared for. Irene Hjelmen and Paul Erik Høyskar think it’s a good idea to prepare both before you go on holiday and when you know you’ll be leaving soon, what habits are suitable for holidays and everyday life. Photo: Sofie Retterstøl Olaisen / news – If one’s head is set on the fact that the holiday is over and that means the weekday awaits, I think it’s easier. Sambuar Paul Erik Høyskar adds that it is about self-control. – If you know that there is a problem, you should perhaps consider whether you should increase your alcohol use during the holiday or not. Eli Marie Stavlund in Av-og-til says that the most important thing is to establish the daily routine as soon as possible. – If it is difficult, it may be wise to cut out alcohol completely for a few weeks, in order to regain control over alcohol. Even if it is difficult, Stavlund says that it may be wise to share the problem with family and friends. – It is easier if those around you also know, and can help you do pleasant things that do not include alcohol.
