Drevsjø in Engerdal coldest in the country today with minus 24 degrees – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

It is early winter in many places in the country, with both a lot of snow and many degrees below zero. It was bitterly cold at Drevsjø in Engerdal in Innlandet today. – Yes, it is a rather chilly morning. From what I can see on my lists, Drevsjø has been the coldest in the country so far today, says meteorologist Marit Berger. There it was down to almost minus 24 at dawn on Wednesday. Lowest temperature in the whole country. – Perhaps not everyone is equally excited about that record. At Drevsjø, it is not just the freezing temperatures that tell that winter has arrived. There is also more snow there than most places, with 31 centimeters today. In the interior, only Sjusjøen has more snow, with 50 centimetres. The cold continues And it stays cold. – It’s cold after all. Even if the temperatures work their way up a little during the morning, we are on the minus side all day throughout the Inland, says the meteorologist. It will also be in double figures towards the weekend. How far down the scale we go partly depends on the cloud cover. THE NAIL BITE: Many people think it’s in the coldest layer when the temperature drops below minus 20. Photo: Åse Elin Duvold – It will probably be a bit of the same in the days ahead. It could possibly get a little colder at night, at least if the clouds disappear then. It depends a little on how much cloud cover you have at night, if you get very cold mornings like that, says Marit Berger. Cold in the north In the interior of northern Norway it is also bitterly cold. Last night, temperatures were very low in several places, according to Yr.no. The coldest was in Siccajavri in Finnmark with 31.5 minus degrees. Karasjok followed with -25.4 degrees. Bardufoss was the coldest in Troms with minus 24.5. COLD: Bardufoss was the coldest in Troms on the night of Tuesday, slightly colder than Drevsjø last night. Photo: Linda Pedersen / news But that is changing fast. Today, Wednesday, the temperatures in Bardufoss are far milder. Snow has been reported and it will be quite mild for the next few days, before it creeps below minus 20 again next week. How cold it gets here also depends on whether there are clouds or not. – In winter, the clouds function as a kind of heat blanket, which means that less heat disappears into space, write the meteorologists at X. In Tromsø, which is located along the coast, it is a little milder, but sleet and snow. Heat record Inland, it will be cold degrees across the board in the future. Also in Oslo, it is minus degrees today, and it will be that way all week. On Saturday, it is reported to be minus 7. But then the capital ends up at around 0 degrees. In Trondheim, the freezing temperatures have also made their entrance. There, Yr.no reports glorious sunshine and down to minus 7 degrees in the next few days. Along the coast in Western Norway, temperatures are still mostly high, but down to zero at night. The people of Bergen have rejoiced over unusually good weather with a record number of hours of sunshine in October and November. On 26 October, Bergen was the hottest in the country with a maximum temperature of 14.1 degrees. In Kristiansand in Southern Norway, it is still mostly plus degrees, but a few degrees below zero at night.
