Dream start on final day – Magnus Carlsen smashed Russian rival – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

Carlsen is alone in the lead with 9 points after 11 games. Two lots remain. – It was only a “fair play” check. I thought that was positive. It means that I have played a good game, says Carlsen to news. Because when the victory was a fact, the Norwegian was taken aside and into a cubicle in the games hall. After a short time he came out to news who was waiting for an interview. – You have played almost like the data? – It means that I have played well, yes, he replies and smiles. STRONG OPENING: Magnus Carlsen wreaks havoc at the board in Samarkand. Photo: Helge Tvedten / news Simen Agdestein, Carlsen’s former teacher and Norway’s first grandmaster, says the following about when you are taken out of control: – If a player occasionally plays strikingly like a computer, that is probably the indicator. Butchers Russian opponent Already in Thursday’s first game, the stage was set for a major showdown when Carlsen played with black pieces against Vladimir Fedosejev. The Russian star was in a shared lead with the Norwegian before the decisive day. It became an intense drama where the two fighting cocks took turns to have the advantage. But as the party developed, the arrow fell on Carlsen’s side. And the advantage only grew and grew as the two stars entered the playoffs. CAN WIN: Magnus Carlsen is close to winning his 16th title. Photo: Lennart Ootes / Fide While Carlsen avoided mistakes, it was Fedosejev who bowed several times, which caused Agdestein to widen his eyes. – Fedoseev looks like a fool. He looks like a complete newbie. This is an easy victory, said Agdestein. After just over 50 minutes of play, the game was over. Realizing that the battle was lost, Fedoseyev stretched out his arm. Iranian sensation Carlsen still hit the big game in Thursday’s second game, where surprise man Pouya Idani was waiting on the other side of the board. – I have never heard of him here. I don’t think Carlsen has that either, said Agdestein and continued: – The Iranian is playing very strangely now. Whether Carlsen was impressed by what he saw from the sensational man is unclear, but the Norwegian was not affected by the unusual game and took his second victory of the day. Thus, Carlsen is still alone in the lead when two games remain. The chess set from Norway stands with 9 points after 11 games. WATCH THE BROADCAST: Magnus Carlsen will try to defend the World Championship title in rapid chess in Samarkand. Chasing its 16th title The Norwegian chess set was in good control during the first two days of the World Rapid Chess Championship. Before the final and decisive day, he had seven points from nine games and was in a joint lead with Vladimir Fedoseev and Yangyi Yu. Carlsen already has four WC gold medals in rapid chess. In addition, he has six gold medals in blitz chess and has secured the WC title in classical chess five times. Should there be another gold on Thursday, it will be his 16th WC title in his career.
