Drammensbadet suffered damages of up to NOK 500,000 after emergency drills – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– It’s not real, it’s some synthetic blood, says financial manager at Drammensbadet, Jon Tollefsen. He shows us the large, bright wooden floor which is now red-stained in almost all the joints. Tollefsen says that they have tried many different chemicals to remove the blood marks, but that nothing helps. The preparedness exercise had an aftertaste, says Jon Tollefsen at Drammensbadet. Photo: Tordis Gauteplass / news – The only thing that happened was that the floor was even more damaged by the chemicals, he sighs. The fake blood has run down the joints in the parquet, leaving traces that cannot be removed. It was Drammens Tidende that mentioned the case first. Blood on the floor during PLIVO exercise On 24 November this year, large forces moved to Drammensbadet during an exercise where the theme was ongoing life-threatening violence and mass casualties, a so-called PLIVO exercise. There were apparently injured and dead people strewn across the floor at Drammensbadet, and what was supposed to give the illusion of blood flowed. Granted, the blood wasn’t real, but it had to look real. It was important for the exercise to be as realistic as possible. In this way, the emergency services are trained in cooperation and communication, so that they are prepared should a similar situation arise in reality. The entire Drammensbadet was full of what was supposed to illusion injured people during the exercise on 24 November 2022. Photo: Christine Breivik Øen / news Animal exercise After the exercise, the Drammensbadet was covered in artificial blood, and the cleaning job was big. Most of the facility has stone tiles, and there it was easy to remove the fake blood. But where ordinary parquet was laid, it turned out to be impossible. The bloodied victims were taken to what is usually a training room, and this is where the injury occurred. Usually it is the group training in the 200 square meter room. Photo: Tordis Gauteplass / news The price for new parquet is between NOK 1,500 and 2,000 per square metre, says Sten Petter Aamodt. He is emergency manager in Drammen municipality. Thus, the extra bill after the exercise can reach NOK 500,000. It is not yet clear who will have to pay. Emergency manager in Drammen municipality, Sten Petter Aamodt, regrets that the floor at Drammensbadet was badly damaged. Photo: Drammen municipality The municipality is in dialogue with the insurance company to see if they want to cover it. The cheapest outcome is that the municipality gets away with only the deductible on the insurance. But even that is NOK 100,000. Warns full review In the worst case, the insurance company will not cover the damage, or that they may receive a reduction, says the emergency manager. It is also not clear who ultimately ends up with the bill, or whether it is shared between the emergency services and the municipality. – This is the kind of thing that can happen during large exercises, but it is unfortunate, says Tollefsen at Drammensbadet. He says that they are going to do a full review with everyone who took part in the exercise, to ensure that this does not happen again. – Did no one think that this could happen? – No, no one did, he says. Video: Mathias Moene Rød
