Drammen is expecting more water than during the extreme weather Hans

Drammen municipality fears that this new flood will be worse than the extreme weather “Hans”. – The limit is 3.5 metres. If it exceeds that, then we do not have flood protection. It’s that simple and that hard. It will overflow, many more people will have water in their basements and several roads will be closed, says Monica Myrvold Berg (Ap), mayor of Drammen, to news. Monica Myrvold Berg (Ap), mayor of Drammen. Photo: news The water continues to rise A red danger warning has been issued for parts of the Drammensvassdraget. Forecasts from NVE show that the water level will continue to rise throughout the day on both Monday and Tuesday. The peak of the flood is expected on Wednesday. At the Mjøndalen bridge, the water level is already just over two meters above normal. In the worst case, it can rise another half a metre. – We hope that the forecasts are not 100 per cent correct, but that we will make it this time too, says Sten Petter Aamodt, emergency manager in Drammen municipality. So far no one evacuated – What are you most worried about if that happens? – It is, after all, the practicalities connected with municipal services and access to various areas in the municipality. And also this with the fact that some buildings will be affected. Flood protection in the Krokstadelva. Photo: Jan-Erik Wilthil / news According to Aamodt, among other things, the home services in the municipality are now organizing themselves to avoid being stuck on the “wrong side” of the Drammen river. – Can there be talk of evacuating people in the Drammens area as well? – Not the way I see it now, but we cannot rule it out. Andreas Johansen, Nedre Eiker Red Cross. Photo: Jan-Erik Wilthil / news Get the sandbags ready On Monday morning, crews from the Red Cross installed themselves on the Stryken sand roof in Mjøndalen to help people prepare for floods. – We fill sandbags so people can protect their houses. We have the capacity to fill 2,500 sandbags. Anyone can come and collect, says Andreas Johansen in the Nedre Eiker Red Cross.
