Dramatic WC recovery – sent to emergency department with intense abdominal pain – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

Ida Louise Øverland is packing her bag to leave for the big goal of the season: the World Championships in para-athletics in Paris. The last time he packed the same bag was two years ago, for the Paralympics in Tokyo. That time as a 17-year-old debutant. Now she has far more experience in her luggage. The 19-year-old has clear ambitions during the championship, which takes place from 8 to 17 July. During the competition in Tokyo, she did not progress from the trial heats in the 100 and 200-meter sprint. She has to now, she tells purposefully. PACKED AND READY: In addition to all the clothes and equipment, Ida-Louise Øverland takes a lot of experience with her in her luggage. Photo: Trygve Heide / news – It’s a big goal, but of course I want to get to a final. That would have been the dream. Now it’s a bit tough and it may seem a bit far away, she says to news, who gets to help with the packing a little over a day before departure. – I’m very happy, but I’m also a little nervous, she admits. Perhaps an incident that happened just a few days ago has also affected the nerves. An incident that could have put the entire championship in jeopardy. Got intense stomach pains On Tuesday evening, the sprinter started to feel pains in the stomach region. – I had quite intense stomach pains and it didn’t go away during the night, she says. Instead, the pain spread to the ribs. On Wednesday morning she decided to go to the GP. But at the GP’s office they struggled to find out what was wrong. Fearing appendicitis, she was sent to the emergency department at Ullevål Hospital. – Fortunately it wasn’t, but it was very stressful, because they mentioned that it might be. Then, of course, you got a lot of thoughts. AIMING HIGH: Ida-Louise Øverland says that she has big ambitions. Photo: Tryvde Heide / news After various tests at the hospital all day, she was sent home with painkillers. Gradually she felt better. So much better that he actually followed the plan to participate in the NM at Jessheim. But for obvious reasons, the body did not feel well. Now she is still recovered after what was a stressful recharge. – My body was a bit tired, after a long day at the hospital, with little sleep and little food. But now I’ve been able to eat a lot, fill up with energy and sleep well, says Øverland. She continues: – It’s not a fun message to get, especially not so close to a championship. I didn’t want to end up in an emergency room just a few days before the WC. But luckily I got very good messages there, then. That it was nothing serious. She has not received an answer to exactly what was causing the pain. The only thing she knows is that they are awake, and that she is now looking ahead. Has zeroed in on the thoughts about the incident, he will now put them away, because after coming back from a lower back injury in the build-up to the season, everything is about the World Cup. – I have done the work that needs to be done. A week ago I ran a season’s best, not too far from a personal record either. Now I really just have to gather energy, recover well and get enough exercise in my legs. I know what I have in me, she says, and underlines: – A championship like the WC is big. It is one of the biggest things we get to experience in a sports career, so there is an extra pressure on you to do the best you can. And that one should be in their best shape. IN ACTION: Ida-Louise Øverland in action during the NM in athletics in Kristiansand two years ago. Photo: Annika Byrde / NTB She made her championship debut during the WC in Dubai in 2019. Two years later she participated in the Paralympics. With a new championship on the horizon, this experience is something he takes with him. – I have learned a lot about what such a championship is like and the seriousness surrounding it. But I have also gained knowledge about how one should eat before it starts, how much one should sleep, and what one should do the day before. Now I have created my own routines, says Øverland. The 19-year-old believes that all the extra experience and knowledge she now has gives her far better prospects than in 2019. – I now know what I’m getting at. I know what to expect and I know what to do.
