Don’t want Lillian Elise to breastfeed in the town hall – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

Lillian Elise Esborg Bergane is expecting child number two in May. In addition to her full-time job, she is a group leader in the Porsgrunn Labor Party, sits on the city council and also holds several other political positions in Porsgrunn municipality. After the birth, she is clear that she wants to quickly return to politics. This also applies to the political meetings. – If there is a need, I must be able to take a breastfeeding break or possibly do it in the meeting, says Bergane. The case was first discussed in Porsgrunns Dagblad. Many people think they will lose concentration. Independent representative Gunnar West Sørlie also sits on the city council, who is running for the Industrial and Business Party in the autumn. He reacts to Bergane’s plans. Sørlie believes that infants cannot be in the town hall. It will disturb, according to him. – I would like to believe that if you suddenly take out what you have to use in order for the child to get some milk, then it is rather distracting for a number of people. Gunnar West Sørlie at Porsgrunn town hall. Photo: Berit Heggholmen / news – Should take leave Sørlie believes Bergane must find other solutions. – It must be possible to pump out some milk, so that the man sitting at home can give the child some milk. Ideally, he believes that people in Bergane’s situation should take a break. They have to choose what they want to prioritize, according to Sørlie. – It will be bad if you have to sit 49 people and she has to breastfeed in the city council, says Gunnar West Sørlie. Photo: Porsgrunn municipality – But surely one must be able to tolerate a bit of breastfeeding so that young women can be politically active? – They can be politically active even if they take a few months’ leave. Concerned about recruitment into politics Lillian Elise Esborg Bergane thinks it is sad that a case like this is being discussed in 2023. – This should have been unproblematic, she says. Two years ago, Bergane was a health policy advisor for Ap’s parliamentary group and ran an election campaign. – Then I also had my son with me in some meetings. I had my husband or my mother with me, who was responsible for my son and who came with him when he needed food. It went great. The feedback at the time was only positive, says the Ap politician. – They think it was nice to see that you could combine it. Lillian Elise Esborg Bergane hopes she can continue in politics after giving birth, as she did with her eldest husband. Photo: Berit Heggholmen / news – Do you understand that some people may be disturbed and feel offended if you breastfeed during the meetings? – I actually can’t quite understand it. I will not bring the child alone. I have someone with me to look after the child, who comes with the child when there is a need for breastfeeding breaks. Bergane is afraid of what the debate will do to the recruitment of younger people into politics. She says there are already too few politicians in the 25-45 age group. – I am absolutely afraid of what this feedback will do to the recruitment of especially younger women in local politics. They are clearly a voice we need. – I have someone with me to look after the child, who comes with the child when there is a need for breastfeeding breaks, says Lillian Elise Esborg Bergane. She then likes to retreat to the back of the hall and vote via mobile phone. Photo: Berit Heggholmen / news – Old fashioned approach – This is surprising, but fortunately most people have come further in their understanding today. That’s what Inga Marte Thorkildsen says to news. She is a former Minister for Children and Equality. Today, she is the political leader of the National Association 1001 days, which works with mental health during pregnancy and after birth. Former Minister for Children and Equality Inga Marte Thorkildsen is political leader of the National Association 1001 days. Photo: Berit Roald / NTB She believes it is important to speak up. – Women must have the same right to participate in politics as men. It is about our democracy. She encourages the municipality to make arrangements so that young people can participate politically. Otherwise, the municipality could quickly experience obsolescence, she believes. – In other words, this is an old-fashioned trick that testifies to the need for updating both in terms of women’s health, children’s health, gender equality and social economy. – A lactating woman’s breast should honestly not cause a stir these days.
