Don’t know if the Folloban will open before rush hour – Greater Oslo

18 January 2024 at 13:13 Bane Nor: Don’t know if the Follobanen will open before the rush There are delays and adjustments due to power problems in the Blixtunnel between Oslo S and Ski on Thursday morning. – We are working to correct the error, but do not know how long it will take, Bane Nor writes on his website. Press officer Mari Rjaanes at Bane Nor states at 12.50 that there is still no forecast for when the tunnel can be opened. – There are trains that run on the Østfold line, so people get to Ski, but there will be delays and cancellations, she says. The trains that run on the Østfold line take significantly longer and there is less capacity there. This means that travelers can stand at Oslo S and wait. – Let’s hope that we get the traffic moving before the rush, says Rjaanes. The following train lines may be affected: * Oslo S – Halden – (Göteborg), Østfoldbanen west line * Stabekk – Moss, Østfoldbanen west line * Oslo S – Rakkestad, Østfoldbanen east line * Oslo S – Ski, Follobanen (NTB)
