Donald Trump surges forward in the opinion polls – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Trump is smiling from ear to ear when he takes the stage in Iowa on Wednesday. The hall is packed. The 77-year-old former president is four years younger than the incumbent Joe Biden. But this evening he appears very energetic, and seems younger. – Who the hell gets prosecuted and continues to have a good time? I have to say that these measurements put me in a better mood, says Donald Trump. People in Iowa flock to hear Trump talk about how he will “Make America Great Again” Photo: Tove Bjørgaas / news In Coralville, near the university town of Iowa City, those present like what they hear. The other Republican presidential candidates Nikki Hailey, Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy keep coming back here. But Trump doesn’t come that often. When he first arrives, several hundred queue up to secure one of the 700 places inside the hotel’s ballroom. US correspondent Tove Bjørgaas is in Iowa to cover what is the start of a very long presidential election campaign. Photo: Tove Bjørgaas / news Ex-president in the wind – I like that he is brutally honest and says what he thinks. He is not against other cultures or immigrants, but he saw the USA in the forefront, says Maria Zafaro. The 33-year-old was born in Honduras, and grew up in the United States. The presidential election in 2024 will be the first in which she takes part. Maria Zafaro likes that Trump saw the interests of the United States as the highest priority. Photo: Tove Bjørgaas / news Trump promises from the stage that he will close the border with Mexico on his first day as president – if he is re-elected. He also wants to reintroduce the entry ban for people from “terrorist states”. – If the borders were open to everyone, we would not have security. Trump only wants the best for the United States, says Zafaro. Trump voters have turned out in droves to show support for what they hope will once again be the president of the United States. Photo: SCOTT OLSON / AFP Miles away from the competitors She is not alone in liking what she hears. Recently, the former president has distanced himself from his Republican opponents. Nikki Hailey and Ron DeSantis struggle to get voters in the shadow of Donald Trump. Photo: BRIAN SNYDER / Reuters Earlier in the week, a poll showed that Trump is the first choice for 51 percent of Republican voters in the state of Iowa, according to NBC. The two who follow behind, Florida governor Ron DeSantis and former UN ambassador Nikki Hailey, do not reach Trump’s knees, with their respective 19 and 16 percent approval ratings. On January 15, the election of the Republican presidential candidate starts. As usual, Iowa comes first, and the result is a pointer to how the various candidates will manage further. Participating in “Trump rallies” is one of the coolest things Pam Evans knows about. Photo: Tove Bjørgaas / news On an average of national polls, Trump receives 60.3 percent of the Republican electorate’s vote, according to Real Clear Politics. – It is almost like a spiritual experience to come here, says Pam Evans. Participating in Trump events is one of the things she likes the most. – Trump could withdraw and live in the hustle and bustle. But he fights back against those who want him to fail. When he can do it, I should come here to show my support, says Evans. Impeachment against Biden While Trump is campaigning against the wind, the sitting president is in dire straits. On Wednesday, a majority voted in the House of Representatives to open impeachment proceedings against Joe Biden. It is being done to investigate allegations of corruption in connection with son Hunter Biden’s business activities abroad. President Joe Biden must appear in the impeachment court after being charged with corruption. Photo: LEAH MILLIS / Reuters Shortly afterwards, the White House issued a sharp response from the president. He calls the impeachment process a baseless political stunt. In Iowa, Donald Trump is not kind to his Democratic opponent. – He is terrible. He is the worst president we have ever had, Trump eased his judgment on Joe Biden. Trump himself has had two impeachment cases against him. He was acquitted in both. In the spring, he will be put on trial in a total of four different court cases, including for illegal electoral influence and storage of classified documents. – They have waited and waited. Then they saw that I was likely to win, and then the trials came. They are dishonest people. There you have electoral influence, says Trump to the sea of ​​supporters.
