Donald Trump spoke at a meeting about the Firearms Act – NRK Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– We do not need stricter gun laws. We need more focus on mental health, said former President Donald Trump jr. when he spoke at the annual conference of the National Rifle Associations (NRA) Saturday night. Trump began his speech by reading out the names of all 19 children and two teachers killed in the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas on Tuesday. – It was absolutely awful to see hear about these killings. Young people who were exposed to an evil that is impossible to describe, Trump said. He described the perpetrator as “pure evil and hatred”. Trump also rejected tighter gun control, arguing that Americans should have firearms in order to defend themselves against “evil.” – That there is evil in the world is no reason to disarm law-abiding citizens. The existence of evil is one of the very best reasons to arm them, Trump said. Donald Trump Photo: SHANNON STAPLETON / Reuters He also said that there should be more police officers who can get criminals off the streets and into prison. Armed guards at schools – We need guards of armed police officers at schools at all times. These should be officers who have the proper training in how to handle gun situations, Trump said, adding that schools should have only one entrance, metal decors and new technology to ensure no one can enter the school grounds with guns. – The various weapons control proposals that the left is pushing for would not have done anything to prevent the heinous thing that happened. No worldly things, Trump said. The NRA is one of the most powerful lobbying organizations in the United States. They have 5 million members and close ties to many politicians, especially Republicans. Among other things, they give grades to elected representatives based on how weapon-friendly they are. The NRA is strongly opposed to stricter gun laws. Several have already withdrawn from their conference after 19 children and two adults were killed in the school massacre in Uvalde, Texas this week. Outside NRA convention centers, hundreds of protesters lined up with placards with slogans such as “Your hobby is not worth our children’s lives!” and “No more thought and prayer,” writes the news agency DPA. Hundreds showed up with placards with slogans outside the NRA conference center Photo: Eric Thayer / AFP Police make wrong decision in Texas Police in Texas are criticized for their actions during the school shooting. Texas Security Director Steven McCraw says police made the “wrong decision” when they waited to break into the classroom where a man killed 19 children and two teachers on Tuesday. Police waited around 40 minutes outside the classroom before shopping. Police waited because they did not think it was an active shooting situation. At the same time as students in there called and asked the police to come, the BBC writes – It was the wrong decision, period. There is no excuse for that. We believe the police should intervene as soon as possible, McCraw said. He says investigators do not know if children were killed while police were standing in the hallway. Steven McCraw, director of the Texas Department of Public Safety speaks at a news conference outside Robb Elementary School May 27, 2022 Photo: MARCO BELLO / Reuters Now more people are calling for a police investigation into the tragedy. Fury There have also been questions about allegations made by Governor Greg Abbott, who earlier this week praised the quick response of police officers who exchanged shots with the perpetrator before entering primary school. On Friday, Abbott said he was furious after being “led behind the light.” He has previously told reporters that he only repeated what he had been told. – The information I was given turned out to be, in part, inaccurate, he said. He further added that an in-depth and thorough investigation is needed to find out exactly what happened.
