Dog owner reports after video of dog abuse goes viral – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

Videos of a man on Jæren allegedly mistreating his dogs have spread on social media. news has seen the videos, which show, among other things, a man beating a dog. It has caused social media to boil over, and several of the online spectators have since sought out the man’s address. The general manager of Animal Protection Norway, Åshild Roaldset, has received the post. The organization has now reported the man to the police. – Video evidence is very important in such cases and we are happy that someone has filmed, she says. Veterinarian and general manager of Animal Protection Norway, Åshild Roaldset. Photo: Anne-k. Harkestad/ Animal Protection Norway Moved to the man’s house Several hundred people have become involved in the case, which has meant that some have turned up at the man’s address. On Monday evening, the police responded to a report that the man believed there were people outside the house who were behaving threateningly towards him, writes Stavanger Aftenblad. – The case involves many people, but that does not mean that we should take the law into our own hands. We have to trust that the authorities do their job, says Roaldset. news has been in contact with the man, who says that the last 24 hours have been difficult. He apologizes for the incident. The police open a case The police confirmed in a press release on Tuesday that on Monday they received a video showing a man beating a dog on Jæren. The police have opened criminal proceedings, and are cooperating with the Norwegian Food Safety Authority in this case. Nettpatruljen Sør-Vest has also received many tips about this, they write. – We have been out on inspection together with the Norwegian Food Safety Authority today, to see if the man is fit to keep dogs, says police inspector Lene Tesdal Tonstad. Police inspector in the South-West police district, Lene Tesdal Tonstad. Photo: news Several dogs and puppies were taken by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority for provisional detention. – In addition, the dog owner will be questioned today, says Tesdal Tonstad. The police have received videos showing the man’s handling of the dogs. – These videos are part of the investigation, and we encourage you not to share these videos on social media or elsewhere, says the police inspector. – It is unacceptable to exercise violence against animals. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority cannot comment on the case in detail, because it is a private animal farm and they have a duty of confidentiality. – We cannot say whether we have been on inspection or are involved in a private animal farm, writes Ann Therese Kommedal, section manager for plants and animals, Sør-Rogaland, Sirdal and Flekkefjord in an e-mail to news. Ann Therese Kommedal in the Norwegian Food Safety Authority says they have received several messages of concern about the video. Photo: Ninni Therese Rogne Nilsen – We have been sent the video, which we see has also been widely shared on social media and other channels, and take the content seriously. When we receive serious messages, we have to consider the necessary measures, she writes further. She says it is completely unacceptable to commit violence against animals. – We understand that many people are involved in this matter, and it is important that we receive reports of such matters, she writes. Kommedal further states that the Norwegian Food Safety Authority has received many reports of concern about this video.
