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Several months of noise, bad atmosphere and high expenses for the Norwegian Sports Confederation ended on Friday with a press conference after an extraordinary board meeting at Gardermoen. There, sports president Berit Kjøll presented the conclusion after the inflamed whistle-blowing case that has ridden the sports summits like a mare since December. Finish? No one has done anything wrong. The board member, who was one of the parties to the case, was in no way impressed. – I have requested that someone take responsibility for the extensive burden I have been exposed to for over three months, writes the informant to news. The sports board member is happy that today’s board decision confirms that the person has not breached the Working Environment Act, but beyond that the most dissatisfaction can be traced: – Right now I limit myself to saying that I am very unsatisfied that no responsibility is taken for the matter being escalated completely out of proportion, the statement continues. Sorry Varsler’s lawyer Terje G. Andersen says the following to news: – We think it is a shame that the case has become more extensive than necessary, but it is not something my client can be blamed for. Andersen points out that his client is happy that the board decision makes it clear that the person concerned was fully entitled to report, and that the whistleblower has not done anything wrong, or can be blamed for the process. On Friday evening, Kjøll writes in an e-mail to news that she apologizes to the parties: – The sports board has now dealt with and closed the case and stands unanimously behind the decisions that have been made. The sports board and I understand of course that this case has been burdensome for all parties involved, and we apologize for that. – The case is due to a misunderstanding The board of the Norwegian Sports Confederation (NIF) met on Friday morning at a hotel in Gardermoen to finally put an end to the notification case. They managed to do that, but it was far from cheap. – We have landed and ended what has been a demanding notification case, said sports president Berit Kjøll at a press conference after the extraordinary board meeting. – We have so far spent NOK 1,120,590, she stated. RADARPAR: Sports president Berit Kjøll (right) will not be interviewed without lawyer Jan Fougner by his side. Photo: Hanne Skjellum / news Lawyer Jan Fougner, who has assisted NIF in recent weeks, was clear that the case became much bigger than it needed to be, and he referred to the costs as “unnecessary”. – This case is due to a misunderstanding, he said, and specified that neither the whistleblower nor the whistleblower has done anything objectionable in the matter. – A lot of money Fougner did not hold anyone responsible for the large use of resources, but he believed that the conflict could have been resolved earlier. – The case could have been handled more easily, with an earlier focus on repair and learning, said the lawyer, without wanting to criticize anyone. – I have suggested that you could be more straightforward in this situation, he elaborated to news. LAWYER’S HELP: Kjøll had lawyer Fougner on her heels when she came out of the meeting room. Photo: Hanne Skjellum / news Sports president Kjøll followed up by denying that she takes self-criticism for the bill being so large. – This is a lot of money, but in such cases it is necessary, Kjøll replied. Fougner clarified that all rules have been followed. The money has been used for legal aid. First to make a report, then to assist the parties, and then to help the board with the processing. Kjøll replied to news that expenses for communication assistance come in addition. Received strong criticism It all started in December when an NIF employee delivered a notice against a member of the sports board. It was the beginning of several months of violent noise and large expenses. The notice should have been about the employee having experienced that the board member made accusations of refusing orders in front of sports president Berit Kjøll. At the same time, NIF employees were informed about downsizing, major cuts and financial trouble, and Secretary General Nils Einar Aas stated that the use of consultants should be reduced. Nevertheless, the sports association’s notification reception commissioned a comprehensive report by an external lawyer in connection with the notification case, which lawyer Fougner has now concluded was due to a pure misunderstanding. Several have reacted to both the use of money and the handling along the way. At the same time, it has been very difficult to get answers from the sports management. – It is highly objectionable, said sports lawyer Gunnar-Martin Kjenner to news earlier this month. Do you have any tips? Do you have information about this case? Get in touch with our sports political journalists. You can tip us off by e-mail or through news’s ​​encrypted notification service. Here you can tip us anonymously. We treat all tips confidentially, in line with the Vær varsom poster’s rules on source protection.
