Does not close biogas plants – news Vestland

4 July 2023 at 14:56 Does not close biogas plant The state administrator in Vestland is satisfied with the feedback from the company Renevo, and cancels the notice to stop receiving waste to the biogas plant. This is revealed in a recent letter to the company. They have previously announced strict measures against the company if they failed to control the release of odors. But several measures have now been implemented. Among other things, the company has stopped receiving fish silage, and washed and emptied the tanks for this waste. In addition, new bark filters have been installed which will remove much of the smell. – We have decided that they will take daily measurements of indicator gases, and report to us every week. Now they have managed to implement measures, so we can hope that the neighbors will have a good summer, says Sissel Storebø, acting environmental director at the State Administrator in Vestland.
