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20 October 2023 at 14:05 “Sulis 1907” seen by over 100,000 in the cinema Director Nils Gaup’s “Sulis 1907” is so far the most watched Norwegian film of the year. The suspenseful drama has now been seen by a cinema audience of over 100,000. – It’s great that an undertold part of Norwegian history engages on screen, says producer Tom Vidar Karlsen. The film had its Norwegian premiere on 6 October after several previews around the country. – People who have seen the film say it is a mix of western, action and drama. Then they hit on what we were trying to achieve, says Karlsen. The film is set in the mining town of Sulitjelma in Nordland in 1907. It is devoted to the rebellion among the workers in the copper mines, and how they organized themselves against strong odds. Among the actors are Otto Fahlgren, Simon J. Berger, Pernille Sandøy, Alexandra Gjerpen, Heidi Ruud Ellingsen, Rune Temte and Stig Henrik Hoff. The screenwriter is Christopher Grøndahl. (NTB)(
