Do you have this toothbrush? Then dentists think you should throw him away – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

Brush, brush, and you’ll get a swish… Since I was a child, I’ve been exposed to the importance of having good dental health. “Use fluoride”, “floss your teeth” or “cut your intake of soft drinks and sweets” is something most of us have heard the dentist say. But perhaps the most important and most common advice the dentist gives is to brush your teeth thoroughly both day and night. Consequences for the teeth Brushing teeth has become a matter of habit for many, but if you have the wrong toothbrush it can actually have consequences for your teeth. – If you use a harder brush, it can damage the teeth, and the gums can pull away, says dentist Monica Palmér at Oris Dental Hinna Park in Stavanger. Dental hygienist Monica Palmér has worked as a dental hygienist for over 20 years. For years, she has advised her patients to use a soft toothbrush. Photo: Simon Elias Bogen / news The dental hygienist advises all her patients to use a soft toothbrush, or an electric one with a soft part on the brush. What kind of toothbrush do you use? Soft Medium Uses an electric toothbrush, eg! I actually don’t know… Show result It’s actually quite easy to damage your teeth if you use the wrong toothbrush. And maybe it’s a good idea to change your toothbrush quickly: – The gums don’t grow back, and you can get pits in your teeth. Many people make mistakes During her 20 years as a dental hygienist, she has seen many brush injuries. Patient Jeanette Bjørvik has switched to a soft toothbrush following advice from dentist Palmér. – I have to be careful with my gums, says patient Bjørvik. Patient Jeanette Bjørvik says she has switched to a soft toothbrush. Photo: Simon Elias Bogen / news Good dental care with care Ingvild Dommersnes is a dentist and manager of the competence center of the Rogaland dental health service. She is also sure of her case: – You can brush away both teeth and gums. You should use a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, she says. There are mainly two types of toothbrushes in the shops today. Soft and medium. There are also super soft and hard brushes, but they are not as available. On the shop shelves, there is usually a larger selection of medium toothbrushes than soft ones. Photo: Simon Elias Bogen / news – The entire dental profession deserves a soft toothbrush, says Dommersnes. – Medium gives greater risk It’s in the name. A soft toothbrush has softer bristles and is not harmful to the teeth. – It’s probably a bit about the feeling that the teeth are clean. Many may not know it, but the teeth are also cleaned with a soft toothbrush, says Heming Olsen-Bergem. President of the Norwegian Dental Association, Heming Olsen-Bergem. Photo: Kristin Aksnes / Tidende He is president of the Norwegian Dental Association. The association has a clear position: Steer clear of medium toothbrushes. – I have long recommended a soft toothbrush. Everyone should use it as far as possible. The risk of problems with the teeth is greater for those who use medium, says Olsen-Bergem. Lost a tooth He says damage to the teeth depends on how hard you brush. – The worst case I have seen when using a medium toothbrush is that someone could lose a tooth. But it is an extreme case, he says. – Most use medium Back at dentist Palmér, she says very many people use medium toothpaste. – I notice that the vast majority of them use a medium toothbrush. It is also the one that is sold the most in the shops. But exactly that is not true for Jordan. They sell approximately 60 percent soft and 40 percent medium toothbrushes. Your smile will be finer if you use a soft toothbrush, we believe the dentists. Photo: Simon Elias Bogen / news – More and more people are buying soft toothbrushes. Almost all dentists recommend brushing gently and that is also what we recommend, says marketing director in Jordan, Per Ottar Nærbøe Grotle. news has tried to get an answer from Colgate on what toothpaste they sell the most and why they sell medium. Colgate has not given any answer to this. People think medium is better Grotle in Jordan points out that medium toothbrushes have become softer in recent years. They used to sell hard toothbrushes, but they have stopped doing that. – Why do they sell medium toothbrushes when they know it is more harmful to dental health? – We offer a medium toothbrush because many consumers think it provides more effective brushing and consumers must be allowed to make the choice themselves, answers Grotle. Want more people to understand Tannpleiar Palmér hopes more people will now gain a greater understanding of how important the choice of brushes is. – Perhaps we should tackle it a little earlier in the patients’ lives and tell them about it from when they are children. For: – It’s a bit strange that we haven’t been more enlightened in recent years, says Palmér. Hey, you! Do you have any thoughts you’re stuck with after reading this case? Or maybe you have tips for something else I can write about? Please contact! 👇
