Do you get angry when you are hungry? Scientifically proven that the English term hangry is real – news Trøndelag

I can only speak for myself, but still reckon that more people will recognize themselves: Lunta will be much shorter when hunger creeps in. And it’s preferably those around me who notice it first … A few years ago, Snickers had an advertisement that read like this: “You are not yourself when you are hungry” Now it may turn out that these people were really into something. Researchers now believe they can prove that the feeling of hunger is closely linked to both anger and irritation. – Many of us are aware that being hungry can affect our emotions, but there is surprisingly little research in the area. Professor Viren Swami, who led the study, said in a press release. Thus, the English term “hangry” may in fact be scientifically proven. Hunger + anger = true “Hangry” is composed of the two English words angry (hungry) and hungry (hungry). The term has been in use for some time, especially among young people. But research on this has been rather lax. Until now. To get to the bottom of this, the researchers recruited 64 adult participants from Europe. Everyone had to record levels of hunger and their own emotions over a period of 21 days. They did this via an app on the phone five times in one day. In this way, the researchers obtained data from the participants’ real lives. Previously, only similar studies have been performed in laboratories. And although the study is based on subjective answers, the researchers still believe that the link between hunger and anger is very present. Are you one of those people who gets “hangry”? – A total overreaction One of those who will describe themselves as a “hangry” person, is Nora Sofie Trohaug (24). She is a student and lives in Trondheim. – I do not click completely at an angle, but with falling blood sugar, the fuse becomes a little shorter. And I think the others around me notice it before I realize it myself. She says the feeling of getting heavy in the head is present. I also get tired and emotional, the 24-year-old explains. Nora Sofie Trohaug says it is easy for emotions to take over when hunger strikes. Photo: Privat Trohaug works as a doorman, and says that the end of the working day can be a challenge if she ate lunch early. But there is one episode in particular she remembers well: – A new guy had moved into the collective I lived in, and he had forgotten to rinse the plastic waste before he threw it away. Then I knocked crying on his door to explain to him the importance of environmental protection, she smiles. After eating a little, she had to apologize for the outburst, and say that it was a total overreaction. – But I must emphasize that I am a very emotional person, in general, the student says. May be “hangry” over time Before the researchers could conclude, a number of reservations were made. They took into account, among other things, gender, weight, eating habits and personality. However, none of these factors affected the results. Regardless of this, the results showed that hunger is associated with a higher level of anger and irritability. Based on the data, they could see that 37 percent of the participants linked the feeling of hunger to irritation. 34 percent felt angry. Fewer people felt good when they were hungry. The researchers also found that the negative emotions may be related to different eating patterns. And that you can be “hangry” several times a day, as well as over longer periods. – Although this study does not provide direct solutions on how to curb negative emotions associated with hunger, it may help people become aware of the problem. By acknowledging the emotions, it is easier to regulate them, says Viren Swami. Knowing what is happening in one’s own body The actual field work was carried out by Stefan Stieger. He is Professor of Psychology at Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences. – This effect has not previously been analyzed in detail, so we chose a field-based approach. This gives a more complete picture of how people experience the emotional results. Previous studies have suggested that low blood sugar may have something to do with our tendency to become a little irritable. But so far no definitive conclusions have been found as to why hunger leads to anger. Knowing more about how these emotions develop can help us deal with them better, the researchers believe. Even if it’s really just a matter of recognizing what’s going on in your own body.
