Do we understand the most well-known expressions from the Bible, and do we use them in the right way? – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

1/10 Who can crawl to the cross? Photo: Erlend Lånke Solbu Only those who believe in God and want forgiveness. Priests who have lost their faith say. The one who confesses something to a priest. Everyone. It’s about admitting that you’ve done something stupid. 2/10 How the hell do you paint on the wall? You place the blame on someone who is innocent. You draw the devil on a church. You claim that something is worse than it actually is. You scold someone who deserves it. 3/10 What happens when the head is served on a platter? A person must atone for other people’s mistakes and shortcomings. Someone is held responsible for something and is severely punished. Someone is severely punished without understanding why. Someone is intimidated into admitting something that is not true. 4/10 Can you hear an outcry? No! Outcry is creating drama for nothing. Yes! It is a loud cry of complaint or a storm of discontent. No! There is an internal howl of joy. Yes! When football supporters celebrate their own heroes. 5/10 What do you do when you “turn the other cheek”? Photo: Erlend Lånke Solbu You want to give someone a chance to beat you. You show that you give. You want to prevent an argument from getting worse. You show that you are not afraid. 6/10 Are you good at separating the rock from the halibut? Photo: Erlend Lånke Solbu Yes, I am good at knowing what is right and wrong. Yes, I know the difference between what is good and what is bad. Yes, I am good at keeping things from each other. Yes, it is easy to understand the difference between clean and unclean. 7/10 If you choose to “toe your hands” .. Photo: Erlend Lånke Solbu .. you renounce responsibility for a problem. .. do you wash your hands. .. do you rejoice over other people’s misfortune. .. do you rejoice in your own happiness. 8/10 What do you achieve by “punching the air”? Photo: Erlend Lånke Solbu You are doing something that does not help. You want to show that you can beat yourself up. You illustrate an inner feeling of great resistance. You show how energetic you can be. 9/10 What do you do when you hang your head? Photo: Erlend Lånke Solbu You ask for forgiveness. You are ashamed. You have lost heart. You are embarrassed. 10/10 Is it good to beat your chest? Photo: Erlend Lånke Solbu Yes, that means you found courage in yourself. No. It means you are arrogant. Yes! It is a way of showing love. No, it means that you are only concerned with yourself. Your result You must answer all the questions first.
