Do not agree on the Oslo budget. Red breaks with the city council – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– There is no need for an agreement between Rødt and the city council parties. The head of Red Oslo, Siavash Mobasheri, told news one hour before the Oslo City Council met to consider the revised Oslo budget. – They have not met us on the big issues, says Mobasheri. Free public transport He lists the following main demands from Rødt: Free public transport on weekends throughout the year Half price in the Oslo baths for adults throughout the year NOK 150 million more for substitutes in the districts NOK 125 million for kitchen assistants in kindergartens Mobasheri also believes that there has been a bad budget process. He also believes that the city council parties have not given priority to negotiating with Rødt, and that the city council has answered questions late. Thus, it seems that the city council parties must run downhill to get the budget through in the city council on Wednesday afternoon. This means that they must secure a majority from different parties, from point to point. news has asked for comment from the Labor Party’s group leader Andreas Halse, but has not yet received a response. Corona bill This year’s revised budget was presented on 19 May. Here, the city council moves at a record high 5.6 billion kroner. The largest amount goes to pay the corona bill that the government has not wanted to take. A lot also goes to children and young people. Free activity school, summer jobs for young people and increased social assistance for poor families with children are among the initiatives. The City Council also covers cost cracks in, among other places, Manglerud baths. Free tram this weekend But Red has turned its back on the budget. “They have not taken us seriously,” Siavash Mobasheri told Aftenposten on Friday. And the situation seems just as deadlocked now. NOT MAJORITY: There is no majority for the revised Oslo budget which will be discussed in Oslo City Hall on Wednesday afternoon. Photo: Anders Fehn / news Skar also splits in 2019 Since the change of power in 2015, Rødt and the city council parties have entered into twelve budget agreements. Only once before has it cut itself. This happened in connection with a revised budget in 2019. The backdrop was a deadlocked conflict over rent in municipal housing. In the city council, Rødt cut in support of the European Environment Capital together with the bourgeois. Agreement The Labor Party, SV and MDG are dependent on Rødt to have a majority in the city council. After that election victory in 2015, the red-green parties entered into an agreement on a binding collaboration. The agreement drew politics to the left and was controversial. Among other things, Rødt got the go-ahead for private kindergartens to no longer be built in Oslo. After the election in 2019, the parties have had a much looser agreement. It roughly says that they should try to agree on the budgets.
