Distrust proposal against Boris Johnson – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

It is clear that a motion of censure is being directed against the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. It was the leader of the 1922 committee in the party’s parliamentary group, Sir Graham Brady, who informed about the no-confidence motion on Monday morning. The vote will take place tonight, between 6 pm and 8 pm, local time. It is about Johnson’s future as party leader in the Conservative Party. But if Boris Johnson is thrown out as party leader, he will also be thrown out as prime minister. The response from the Prime Minister’s office came shortly after. “Tonight’s vote is an opportunity to end months of speculation, and will allow the government to draw a line and move on,” it said in a statement according to Reuters. At least 54 will throw the Party’s rules are such that if the committee receives letters from 15 percent of parliamentarians in the party who want to throw the party leader, then the party must have a vote. It has previously been known that a number of letters have been received, but not how many. Now we know at least that 15 percent has been reached. This now amounts to 54 parliamentarians. For Johnson to be ousted as party leader, the majority of conservative MPs must vote against him. They need 180 votes, according to the BBC. The vote tonight will be secret. The motion of censure was announced by the chairman of the 1922 Committee, Sir Graham Brady. Photo: NIKLAS HALLE’N / AFP Partygate Johnson has for a long time received a lot of criticism for its participation in the so-called “partygate” scandal. This weekend, the Prime Minister was arched by the public when he was to attend the celebration of Queen Elizabeth’s platinum anniversary. It has emerged that the Prime Minister attended a number of farewell parties in Downing Street during the severe coronation in England. He has been fined by the police for having attended some of the illegal gatherings. Many in the Conservative Party have also been dissatisfied with Johnson’s leadership. Already last week, it was expected that a vote on Johnson’s leadership could be imminent. Minister: Not what the country needs It was former Minister of Health Steve Brine who recently submitted a declaration of no confidence to the Prime Minister. More and more people have joined in and sent their statements to the 1922 committee. MP and longtime Johnson supporter Jesse Norman declared Monday that he is withdrawing his support for the prime minister. However, current Health Minister Sajid Javid told Sky News on Monday that he does not think the country needs a no-confidence vote on the prime minister. The parties at the Prime Minister’s residence Employees in Downing Street are said to have regularly had a Friday drink or two in the office throughout the pandemic. Employees are said to have switched from carrying a trolley case of wine to the office for the occasion. The corona ravaged the UK. In the garden of the Prime Minister’s residence, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, his wife Carrie, former chief adviser Dominic Cummings and Johnson’s private secretary Martin Reynolds were gathered. They are pictured in a photo leaked to The Guardian, along with 15 others, eating cheese and drinking wine. Johnson has called it a working meeting. Photo: Skjermbilde / The Guardian A leaked email from Boris Johnson’s private secretary Martin Reynolds to 100 employees at the Prime Minister’s office invited to an evening gathering. Guests were encouraged to bring their own drink, “bring your own booze”. In retrospect, Johnson has said that he was present for 25 minutes, and that he should not let the gathering take place. Photo: Screenshot / ITV News Up to 30 employees surprised the Prime Minister with cake and birthday song on his birthday. That same evening, family and friends gathered in the prime minister’s couple’s residence to celebrate Johnson. A spokesperson said that the day gathering lasted for ten minutes, while the evening celebration took place outdoors. Photo: Matt Dunham / AP Boris Johnson speaks at the farewell party for outgoing communications director Lee Cain. That same evening, it is claimed that Carrie Johnson, who at the time was engaged to the Prime Minister, held another private party in the couple’s private home. A spokesman has called the allegation “just nonsense”. Photo: No 10 Downing Street / Reuters After a working meeting in the Ministry of Finance, drinks were on the agenda. The event is described as spontaneous. At the time, pubs were closed in London due to coronary restrictions. Once again, a Downing Street employee is due to leave. Once again, the Prime Minister’s staff must resign. Boris Johnson is said to have given a speech, and fully noted it was in the room. The UK Department of Education is hosting a party. Former Minister of Education Gavin Williamson, among others, is said to have participated. Photo: DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS / AFP Candidate for mayor Shaun Bailey and staff at the Conservative Party’s campaign headquarters parties. The party is often called Tories in Britain. Bailey has since apologized, acknowledging poor judgment. Quizzes are held in the Prime Minister’s Office, and Prime Minister Johnson is a participant. In a picture The Daily Mirror has obtained, he is sitting with colleagues with Christmas decorations. Other colleagues sit in other offices, and have virtual quizzes together. Downing Street admitted that Johnson “briefly” participated in the quiz, but says it was a virtual event. Photo: Skjermbilde / The Daily Mirror Employees in the Ministry of Transport had a party with dancing and drinks after work on the same day as London introduced strict measures due to coronary heart disease. The ministry has apologized for the incident. Invitations have been sent out by the secretary to Cabinet Secretary Simon Case. In the digital calendars, the event was marked as a “Christmas party”. There will also be another farewell party this evening, for Kate Josephs. She previously led the government’s work on the corona. In the photo, Boris Johnson is on a jog, pursued by journalists who want to talk about the festivities of the corona era. Photo: HANNAH MCKAY / Reuters Defense Adviser and Captain Steve Higham will stop working for Johnson. Then it must be attached. The Prime Minister is said to have stopped by and given a speech. The big drum is played and another Christmas party is invited for the Prime Minister’s employees. It was this party that triggered the investigations. A much talked about video shows Boris Johnson’s spokesperson Angela Stratton, who jokes about the incident in a quasi-press conference. When this video is leaked, Stratton quits his job. Two employees will be leaving Downing Street. Two parties are arranged with 30 participants each, which are later merged. There must have been both alcohol and dancing at the party participants, but the Prime Minister was not present. The next day there was a funeral for Britain’s Prince Philip. Due to the restrictions, Queen Elizabeth had to sit alone during the funeral. Downing Street has since apologized to the Queen. Photo: Jonathan Brady / AP
