District court does not stop power line development to Melkøya – news Troms and Finnmark

The reindeer herding districts of Fiettar and Kvaløy/Fálá in Finnmark sued the state, but lost in the Vestre Finnmark district court. The government wants to electrify Equinor’s gas plant on Melkøya in Hammerfest, but the power line that will carry electricity to the plant runs through reindeer grazing areas. The reindeer owners have tried to stop the construction of the power line, which will stretch from Skaidi to Hammerfest. They therefore sued Statnett and Equinor. The case was first discussed in Altaposten. It was last summer that the government presented its power plans in Finnmark and that they want to electrify Melkøya. Photo: Mads Rønning In the judgment, emphasis is placed on the economic consequences for society if the line is not built. The district court believes that no error has been committed in the proceedings in the case. The judgment also believes that there is no breach of the UN Convention on Civil and Political Rights, as the reindeer owners have indicated. The power line is part of the government’s power and industrial boost in Finnmark, and is crucial for the government’s plans to electrify the gas plant on Melkøya. Neither Altaposten nor news has so far been in contact with the reindeer herding districts or their lawyers. Creates great discord The electrification of Melkøya is controversial and divides the inhabitants of Finnmark. In order for the gas plant to run on electricity, among other things, the government wants more wind power plants to be built in the county. The Finnmark Center Party is among the opponents, alongside the Sami Parliament and the reindeer herding districts in the area. The Sámi Parliament has also notified a lawsuit against the state to have the project stopped. The power line, which today runs across Sennalandet and stops at Skaidi, is to be extended to Hammerfest. Photo: Stian Strøm / news Published 26.07.2024, at 07.44 Updated 26.07.2024, at 08.20
