Discourages the construction of a new fish farm at Andøya Airport – news Nordland

North of Andøya, the listed company Andfjord Salmon plans to build three large land-based fish farms. Andfjord Salmon itself has described the facilities as the world’s most environmentally friendly. The company is currently licensed to produce up to 12,600 tonnes of salmon. Now they have plans to expand to 77,400 tons. But now the billionaire company has faced unexpected opposition. And no one has objected. One of the facilities is planned to be built at Fiskenes, a couple of kilometers southwest of Andøya Airport. In a letter dated 20 May, the Civil Aviation Authority strongly advises against the facility being built. The reason is that it will be in the middle of the approach and departure to the airport. – The Civil Aviation Authority will strongly recommend Andøy municipality not to proceed with the plans at Andøy airport as the case stands today, they write in a letter to Andøy municipality. This is Andfjord Salmon’s first pool at Kvalnes. Photo: Andfjord Salmon In addition to civil aviation, the airport at Andøya is home to the Armed Forces’ Orion aircraft. In 2016, the airport was decided to close. In the spring of 2022, however, Minister of Finance Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Sp) was able to announce that Andøya will become a permanent military air base for allied forces. Danger of “bird strike” The Authority places particular emphasis on previous statements from Forsvarsbygg and Avinor in its justification. – Both the Armed Forces and Andøya Space Center have great activity in the areas adjacent to the planning area, which can be defined as high-risk activity. The Armed Forces writes in a statement from 2020 when the plans were presented. – In addition, the risk of aviation accidents in peacetime should also be carefully considered. Avinor also advises against building the fish farm. – There are several aviation safety conditions that must be taken care of, and the most challenging will probably be the danger of a “bird strike”, they write in their statement. It was Andøyposten that first mentioned the letter from the Civil Aviation Authority. May result in fewer flights The audit believes that one consequence may be that only one direction on the runway can be used. This means that all approach and departure will take place from the northwest. – This will have major consequences for flights and regularity to and from Andøya airport, they write. The airlines Widerøe and Norwegian are also skeptical of the plans. – Based on the information the airlines have, it may appear that the location of the facility could affect both flight safety and regularity at the airport. This is due to light pollution and possible changes in the bird concentration. Henning Raymond Tennes is section manager for the airport and flight safety section in the Civil Aviation Authority. He says it is important that the municipality is aware of any consequences the facility may have. – If it turns out that the plant has an impact in the form of light pollution; misleading light, it may affect how they see the airport’s lighting in the cockpit. In addition to any changes in bird concentration, which in turn can lead to so-called bird strikes. Was not included in the hearing In the spring of 2021, the municipality sent the case out for public consultation. In 2022, a limited consultation round was held. But neither the Civil Aviation Authority, Widerøe nor Norwegian were invited to provide consultation input on the case. – The Civil Aviation Authority can not see that Andøy municipality’s justification for omitting the Civil Aviation Authority as a consultation body in the consultation rounds, is based on a correct understanding of the need to involve affected state authorities in accordance with the provisions of the Planning and Building Act. SORRY: Technical manager in Andøy municipality, John-Petter Karlsen says it is unfortunate that the municipality did not invite wider in the input round. Photo: Ole Dalen / news Technical manager John-Petter Karlsen in Andøy municipality tells news that the political treatment of the case has now been put on hold. – The Civil Aviation Authority, Norwegian and Widerøe have been given a deadline of six weeks, until 4 July, to submit a formal consultation input. – Why were the Civil Aviation Authority, Norwegian and Widerøe not invited to provide input on the matter? Andøy municipality sent an invitation to consult with the airport owner, including Forsvarsbygg, Forsvaret and Luftforsvaret. This is the reason why Andøy municipality thought that consideration for aviation was taken into account. In retrospect, Karlsen says that the municipality should invite the Civil Aviation Authority to a hearing. Karlsen nevertheless believes that the planning work that was discontinued took into account aviation. – It is of course regrettable that we have not invited wider. – It is in no way desirable for a party to come after the ordinary consultation deadline has expired and demand to submit their consultation input. In practice, this calls for a delay. – All matters related to aviation safety have been investigated in detail. CEO Martin Rasmussen of Andfjord Salmon writes in an e-mail to news that they are familiar with the letter from the Civil Aviation Authority. Martin Rasmussen, CEO of Andfjord Salmon, is familiar with the letter from the Civil Aviation Authority. Photo: Andfjord Salmon – The location (at Fiskenes) is important based on our future plans for expansion of land-based farming. Rasmussen writes that in the period 2019 to 2021, a comprehensive planning case has been worked out, with accompanying studies. – All matters related to aviation safety have been investigated in detail in dialogue with Forsvarsbygg, Luftvingen and Avinor. Guidelines that have been set through the reports have been continued in regulations for both the construction phase and the later operational phase, and appear from all planning documents in the case. – We have also been informed that Andøy municipality has sent all consultation documents in the case to the Civil Aviation Authority so that they can be assured that all matters have been taken care of and commented on by the relevant bodies related to Andøya airport.
