Difficult driving conditions on Smøla – several roads are closed – Latest news – news

11 March 2023 at 22:39 Difficult driving conditions in Smøla – several roads are closed The police in Møre og Romsdal are asking people who are out driving in Smøla to get home. – We ask that no one drives on Smøla in the future, the police wrote on Twitter around midnight on Sunday night. Snow and wind make for very difficult driving conditions in the area. – During the evening and night, several cars got stuck in snowdrifts. Broaching crews have helped them free and delivered them home, the police in Møre and Romsdal report at around 03:30 on Sunday night. Which adds to the fact that several roads are closed. The contractors are out doing what they can to keep the roads open, but the roads are blowing again quickly. The Central Road Traffic Center has also sent out a warning about difficult driving conditions on Smøla. – We recommend leaving the car if you can, writes Vegtrafikksentralen in the middle of Twitter.
