Devon Kershaw sounds the alarm after Norwegian dominance – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

– We must have good, honest discussions now. If not, it will be very difficult in five years to collect money and maintain interest in the sport, says Devon Kershaw, former sprint relay world champion from Holmenkollen. His phone was flooded with messages from other Canadians wondering how the Norwegian dominance is possible. The ski pensioner refers to the Norwegian achievements in the World Cup as “absolutely sick” and “very impressive”. But he is worried. – On the men’s side, there is a complete dominance that I have never seen before. You have never had as much dominance as there is now, says Kershaw, before adding: – It is not Norway’s problem, it is international cross-country skiing’s problem. If it continues, one risks not only that it will become an A, B or C sport internationally. Then it becomes a D sport. WC SUCCESS: Devon Kershaw and Alex Harvey won the WC gold in the team sprint in Holmenkollen in 2011. They beat Norway in the battle for the gold. Photo: DANIEL SANNUM LAUTEN / AFP The winners of the first four races are Norwegian: Johannes Høsflot Klæbo and Iver Tildheim Andersen. The World Cup manager’s name is Pål Golberg. The race at Lillehammer on Friday was referred to as the Norwegian Cup and National Championships. Emil Iversen joked that it was a “lower-level Norwegian Cup” because only twelve Norwegians took part. Nine of them were among the top ten. Andrew Musgrave – who runs for Røa and received Norwegian lubrication assistance – was the only one who hung in at the top. The Scot is still number four. Even the reserve Henrik Dønnestad, who had to be called in from a long trip on Lake Sjusjøen, was number 15. – It’s completely, completely insane. What Iver Tildheim Andersen did today… He runs his second World Cup race and then he wins. This is the level in Norwegian cross-country skiing. Kershaw believes that the development has been visible over several years – and that action must now be taken both from the smaller nations and the International Skiing and Boarding Federation (FIS). The last few years have mostly been about two nations on the men’s side, especially in distance running. Norway and Russia. – Not so great for the sport When the latter is not on the starting line, it becomes a Norwegian grand slam. – The other nations are far from where they have been. I think that when you miss Germany, who were extremely strong 15 years ago… And then you miss the strong distance runners like Pietro Piller Cottrer (Italy). The French struggled a bit. You no longer have Vincent Vittoz. Maurice Manificat is getting old, says Kershaw, and insists: – Canada has promising athletes, but is not quite up there. USA the same. It looks very bad internationally. news expert Torgeir Bjørn agrees that it is not favorable if the dominance is allowed to continue. He believes the trend is clear: Norway dominates a lot. At the same time, he believes that there are easy factors that come into play this season: news EXPERT: Torgeir Bjørn. Photo: Mikal Aaserud / news – Russia is out. Iivo Niskanen is still ill and the Swedes miss the ski today. – Norway often dominates at the start of the season. We have seen equally dominant Norwegian teams on certain occasions in the past, but we will probably see it more often than before. It is not favorable if he can stay for a long time, says Bjørn, and highlights two examples: the start of the World Cup in Kuopio in the 2001/02 season with eight Norwegians in the first eight places. Eight Norwegians among the top ten in Oberstdorf in December 1996. – It’s great for Norway, but not so great for the sport. We would prefer to have more foreigners in there. I am not surprised, there is a very high level in Norway on the men’s side, says Hans Christer Holund to news. The reigning world champion in 15 kilometers believes, like Bjørn, that it will work out later in the season. Swedish William Poromaa, who is still in 11th place, believes and hopes the same: – It is boring for me as a Swede to see that it is like that. But they go fast, and today it looks like everything is going well for them. For us today, it doesn’t quite work and then there will be a big difference, says Poromaa to news. SWEDISH HOPE: William Poromaa. Photo: MARIUS SIMENSEN / BILDBYRÅN Kershaw: – Depressing and interesting The fear for Kershaw is that the Norwegian dominance will rent to uninterested, international viewers. When the performances shine with their absence abroad, the sponsors and the money disappear. Then there won’t be much left to invest. – The time has come for the smaller teams to look at themselves in the mirror and look at the possibilities for working together with gatherings, smearing and the like. Because it can lift entire nations. Success begets success. The younger ones need a car. He speaks with empathy about the topic. The former world champion is openly engaged. If the distance between the Norwegians and the others continues at the same level, he thinks they will also lose faith. – If you are crushed year after year after year, you are suddenly in a situation where many believe they can no longer compete. It is worrying on the men’s side. What’s a bit depressing and interesting: The money is important, but you can’t lose faith that you can actually make it happen. BRAUT REKKJA: Federico Pellegrino (left) together with World Cup manager Pål Golberg after the third race in Ruka last weekend. Pellegrino took third place behind Johannes Høsflot Klæbo and Golberg in the 20 kilometer pursuit start in free technique. He is one of the candidates to climb onto the podium in the sprint on Saturday. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB So far, only one foreigner, Italian Federico Pellegrino, has stood on the podium in Ruka and Lillehammer. He is among the favorites to make it again when there is a sprint at the Birkebeineren ski stadium on Saturday morning. PS! TV 2 shows the race from Lillehammer, while news Sport has the radio broadcasts. The prologue starts at 09.30. The final heats will start at 12.00.
