Developing robots in Moss – soon they can do your laundry – news Østfold – Local news, TV and radio

– Just as everyone has a smartphone, everyone will have a robot, says Bernt Øivind Børnich. He is the CEO of the company 1X Technologies. In recent years, they have created so-called humanoid robots. Robots that look like humans. Photo: Ingrid Mathilde Langvik/news On wheels, the robot “Eve” moves around the premises in Moss. Here it is trained to clean kitchen cupboards and pack boxes. With the help of artificial intelligence, “Eve” gradually learns how to do various tasks. – We take all the data into a large model, then the robot does what it thinks is right based on that, says Børnich. Photo: Julie Helene Günther / news To train “Eve”, they also use VR technology. The robot does the same as the person wearing the glasses does. To be sold to private individuals In the USA, “Eve” is employed as a patrolling scale in some commercial buildings. Here at home, it is part of a pilot project at a department store and at Sunnaas hospital. More on this later. Now the company is in the process of creating a new robot, which they call “Neo”. According to the company, it should be able to do far more than “Eve”. This is the new robot named “Neo”. We got the picture from the company. Photo: 1X Technologies They will put the new robot up for sale to private individuals, but it will probably not become public property anytime soon. – I can’t say exactly what it will cost, but it will cost the same as a relatively affordable car, says Børnich. Several international investors have invested in the company. In 2022, OpenAI, which is behind the language model ChatGPT, became a co-owner. It is their artificial intelligence technology “Neo” is trained on. – The best people in the world in their field have moved here to work under the same roof, says Børnich. “Neo” must be able to open doors, hear and speak. We got the picture from the company. Photo: 1X Technologies “Neo” has human-like legs and should be able to talk. – It does the laundry, cleans and organizes. It is a good conversational partner who has both body language and ordinary language, says Børnich. For Bernt Øivind Børnich, making robots is a dream come true. Photo: Julie Helene Günther / news Increasing mobility Companies all over the world have worked for decades to create human-like robots. So far, there is no other robot that can do what the company claims “Neo” will achieve. This explains professor of computer science at the University of Oslo, Jim Tørresen. – What they have achieved is formidable, says Tørresen. Photo: Julie Helene Günther / news He has visited the premises in Moss several times. It is the human-like legs of the new robot that are really the innovation, he explains. – It increases mobility and what tasks the robot is able to do, such as climbing stairs and opening doors. Motors are important in robots and here they have developed a unique own motor and power transmission that is beneficial both in terms of efficiency and safety, says Tørresen. Have to think about It is important to think about before buying such a robot, explains Naomi Lintvedt, research fellow at the Center for Forensic Informatics at the University of Oslo. – A robot will gain access to your privacy as soon as you bring it into your house. You have to think about what you and others in your family are comfortable with, says Lintvedt. Naomi Lintvedt believes it is important to think before purchasing a humanoid robot. Photo: Julie Helene Günther / news She is writing a PhD on robots, law and privacy. It is especially your privacy that is important to think about before you choose to have a robot in your home, she says. – It is something other than a smart watch that records a lot of information about you, because it only records you. A robot will be able to register all its surroundings. It may be a good idea to familiarize yourself with how the robot works and the guidelines of the manufacturers, before you decide to buy one, she encourages. Works as a scale “Eve”, which is the first robot we met, works as a scale in the USA. The robot keeps track of the areas and reports on the condition of the buildings it patrols in. Employees can take control of the robot from another location. – The security guard can log into the robot and take control of the body as if they were there themselves, says communications manager Hege Nikolaisen. Communications manager Hege Nikolaisen talks to an operator who controls “Eve” and makes the robot do various tasks. Photo: Julie Helene Günther / news Big competition Other companies in the world are working on making human-like robots. Elon Musk has said that Tesla’s robot could go on sale early next year. Photo: Julie Helene Günther / news Exactly when the Norwegian robot “Neo” becomes available for sale, the company will not go out with it. Scholarship holder at UiO, Naomi Lintvedt, is not going to buy such a robot until it becomes very good at helping with housework. – If not, I think it will just be annoying. I would rather have a robot pet that can be there for cuddles and snuggles. – But if a robot comes along that is at least as good at doing housework as my son, then I will consider it. Published 15.07.2024, at 21.22
