Desperate that UN employees in Gaza are again affected by Israel’s bombardment – Latest news – news

13 March 2024 at 17:40 Barth Eide: Desperate that UN employees in Gaza are again affected by Israel’s bombardment Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide (Ap) tells NTB that it is “desperate” that UN employees in Gaza are again affected by Israel’s bombardment. Earlier today, it became known that an emergency aid warehouse in Rafah, a border town in the south of the Gaza Strip, had been hit during an Israeli attack. – It is disheartening that UN employees who work to help civilians in Gaza are again hit by Israel’s bombardment, says Barth Eide. The warehouse belonged to UNRWA, the UN aid organization for Palestinian refugees in the Middle East. According to them, at least one of their employees was killed in the attack, and 22 others were injured. – Israel is well aware of where UNRWA is based in Gaza, and has a duty to distinguish between civilian and military targets, emphasizes Barth Eide.
