– Describes me based on perceptions and myths – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– It should be. Kjetil Rekdal was confident when Sunnmørsposten asked on Wednesday whether he and Geir Frigård should take over the A national team after Ståle Solbakken. Solbakken’s statements that this is most likely his last qualification as Norway coach have triggered a discussion about who should take over the job. news experts Åge Hareide and Kristoffer Løkberg both point to Ole Gunnar Solskjær, but Rekdal believes he should be at the top of the NFF’s list. – Not afraid to say it It was in Sunnmørsposten’s podcast “Sunnmørsball” that Rekdal launched his candidacy for himself and assistant coach Geir Frigård on Wednesday. – Because we have what it takes to take Norway to a championship. Just look at our statistics since we started. I’m not afraid to say it. Then I know that there are many other good alternatives, who can also do a very good job in the Norwegian national team. But the two of us should certainly be one of the candidates, maybe even one of the favourites. I say that without being presumptuous, said Rekdal. Should Rekdal become Solbakken’s successor as Norway coach? news expert Carl-Erik Torp agrees with Rekdal that he is probably one of the candidates NFF has on the block to take over the Norway job after Ståle Solbakken. But he does not think Rekdal is right that he is one of the favourites. – Rekdal undoubtedly has a long CV as a player and coach. But nothing of what he has achieved in his last coaching jobs indicates that it is good enough to get a job as national team manager, says Torp. SKEPTICAL: Carl-Erik Torp. Photo: Birk Pessl-Kleiven / news The news expert believes the HamKam job was the last time Rekdal had a successful period as a coach. But Torp believes it has been just as strong a performance by Jakob Michelsen to keep the team in the Eliteserien as it was by Rekdal to move up with them. – Not won that much He is also not surprised that today’s Aalesund coach is going so hard and launching his own candidacy. – We have heard this before. Kjetil Rekdal has talked about that job for a long time and believes he is perfect for it. I see the arguments he makes, that he is flexible when it comes to playing style and formation, and that he has a winning mentality. But there aren’t that many of his teams that have won that much, says Torp. The news expert believes the national team under Ståle Solbakken is on the right track. – We are now three quarters of the way through the storm and approaching sunshine on the other side. Should we give up and ask to move back to the start? asks Torp rhetorically. Hiring Rekdal would be to go in a completely different direction from the style of play Solbakken has worked to inculcate in recent years, he believes. – And how will players like Oscar Bobb and Martin Ødegaard fit in a Rekdal system? Rekdal is perhaps tactically smart and a good match leader. But is it right to bring in a coach now who is known to shout “now you have to run more, push harder, win that duel, now you have to fuck me toughen up”. I don’t think that will work in 2024, and at least not with a national team with players who are used to something completely different in their club teams, Torp believes. Rekdal: – Views and myths Kjetil Rekdal has read Torp’s statements. He does not want to answer the phone, but sends the following SMS to news: – Weird description of me as a coach. It strongly suggests that he does not know what I do, and describes me based on perceptions and myths. 58-27-23 is the statistic for 108 series matches, writes Rekdal. 58 wins, 27 draws and 23 losses gives a points average of 1.86. – To ask a counter question: What would you say to those who think the results in recent seasons have not been good enough to become national team coach? – I described the statistics on the previous SMS, writes Rekdal, and includes the following figures for the league matches in his last four club jobs: Aafk 3-1-3Omonia 5-2-2RBK 19-12-10HamKam 31-12-8 news has quality checked the figures. However, Carl-Erik Torp is not convinced. – These are perfectly fine statistics, but I don’t think these numbers are enough to become a national team coach. Then there are many that are relevant. And I don’t think it’s his statistics that would make him national team coach anyway, but rather his experience and leadership skills, Torp replies. WILL HE BE NEXT? Kjetil Rekdal wants Ståle Solbakken’s job. Photo: Montatje NTB Solbakken: – Worked hard on it for many years Ståle Solbakken and Rekdal have been in several public disputes in recent years. The national team manager will not say much about Rekdal’s offensive statements. – Haven’t he and VGTV worked hard on it for many years? asks Solbakken with a smile when news asks for a comment. Rekdal does not want to respond to Solbakken’s statement. Kjetil Rekdal * Full name: Kjetil André Rekdal * Age: 55 years (born 6 November 1968) * Clubs that coach: Vålerenga (2001-06), Lierse (2006-07), Kaiserslautern (2007-08), Aalesund (2008) -12), Vålerenga (2013-16), Start (2018-19), HamKam (2020-21), Rosenborg (2022-23), Omonoia (2024), Aalesund (2024-) * Clubs playing: Fiksdal/Rekdal . Led HamKam up in the Eliteserien (2021) * Current: Finished as coach for the Cypriot team Omonoia after just over a month in the role. (©NTB) Positiv Løkberg: – I think that’s wonderful news expert and Viking player Kristoffer Løkberg, for his part, has a sense that Rekdal is going so hard and launching himself for the Norway job. – I think that’s delicious. That is exactly as offensive as it has to be if you are to have a chance of getting that job. And if you know that there are most likely other coaches ahead of those who will make these decisions, then you make sure that you are heard and seen when you make these statements, says Løkberg. He completely agrees with Rekdal that the current Aalesund coach should be a candidate for the job. – Rekdal and Frigård will be able to play different types of formations, but it is in the cards that there will be five at the back and a more pragmatic, cynical football that is based on an even greater degree of defensive security, which is quite different from what has been under Solbakken. But the CV he has, and the results he has achieved, strongly suggest that he should be relevant, Løkberg believes. SHARE: news experts Carl-Erik Torp and Kristoffer Løkberg have different views on Rekdal’s qualifications as Norway coach. Photo: Montaje news – He has been an active critic of the national team in particular, but also the NFF, over time. Do you think it could speak against him when the NFF leaders discuss a new Norway coach? – I hope not. I hope that those who are going to hire a new coach keep everything they know personally out. This must be a process in which one must find out who is best qualified to take Norway to a championship. I really hope it has nothing to do with Rekdal. He has been critical of one thing and another around the national team here, but I think that is honest and liberating, says Løkberg. Norway opens the National League with an away game against Kazakhstan on Friday. That match kicks off at 16.00 and can be heard on news Sport or seen on TV 2. Published 06/09/2024, at 05.32
