Deputy mayors in Vestland will become party leaders in MDG – news Vestland

Dagbladet reports that Natalia Golis is challenging Arild Hermstad as new MDG leader. news has previously reported that Hermstad, who is from Bergen, is the “big favourite” to take over the leadership. Deputy leader Arild Hermstad is acting leader of the party after Une Bastholm abruptly resigned last week, and is in “pole position” to take over. – It is not a matter of course that Hermstad will only move up. The National Assembly must be given a choice between several good candidates, says Golis to Dagbladet. In the same interview, she announces a new party line with less “barking” and “pointing the finger”. – If we are to overcome the barrier border and become a green national governing party, we must promote industry and business as our climate super-heroes. They are the ones who have to do the work, she says to news. She adds: – We have to talk to the private business world and not to. They are the ones who will create the values ​​we will live on after the oil. This is urgent, and therefore we need more cooperation. The “Accident Commission” for MDG concluded last year that the party presented itself as too “uncompromising” and “single-minded”. It was expected that the party would crawl over the barrier at the election, which they did not do. Golis has been deputy mayor in Vestland county since 2019, and has a seat in the county council since 2011. Arild Hermstad was the party’s first candidate from Hordaland in the parliamentary election in 2021, but did not enter. Nestlé owner Arild Hermstad is the acting tenant in MDG after Une Bastholm abruptly resigned last week. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB Will decide national meeting questions this week The MDG national board will decide this week whether there will be an extraordinary national meeting during the autumn. Aftenposten reports that the leader of Oslo MDG, Sigrid Z. Heiberg, is also considering challenging “frontrunner” Arild Hermstad. MDG deputy director Ingrid Liland tells Adressa that she is “in the thinking box”. The MDG profiles Lan Marie Berg and Rasmus Hansson reported last week that they are not suitable for the leadership job, after Une Bastholm resigned. – Being a party leader is a position that requires extraordinary effort. It requires a lot of time and energy. I have two lovely little girls of kindergarten age, who I would like to have more time for, explained Bastholm. Filter Nyheter was first out with the news about Bastholm’s departure. – Nice if Arild Hermstad wants to run Lan Marie Berg is the new parliamentary leader in MDG after Une Bastholm. To news she says that it is “nice if Arild Hermstad wants to stand as leader” Natalia Golis tried to become deputy leader of MDG at the national meeting in May, but lost to Ingrid Liland. Hermstad won the voting for the position of deputy leader against Kristoffer Robin Haug in May. It is not clear whether Haug will take up the fight for the leadership position.
